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We didn't end up winding everyone up, we only managed to wind up, Chloe, Candi-rose and Alex.
They weren't hard to wind up though, we took Candi-roses make up, Chloes phone and Alex's football boots. We would have annoyed everyone, but I think Tracy knew it was us, especially when Candi-rose walked into the kitchen during breakfast screaming.

"Who's taken my makeup and Chloes phone?"
"And who's taken my football boots?" Alex asked joining in with the conversation.
"Jess, Jody and Tyler took them, " Mya said snitching on us, "they put them in the DVD cupboard last night."
"Snitch." I hissed.
"Mya, no one likes a snitch and Jess go and get them before Mike or May-li come back, and I won't mention nothing."
"That's favouritism." Mya argued.
"Shutup, it's not favoritism, it's just because no one likes you." I snapped receiving 'oo's' from everyone else and a glare from Tracy, so I just went into the living room and got the things that we hid the night before, and handed them back, just as Mike walked in.
"Why can't you go to school today?" Finn asked.
"Because the school don't want me there for the next 2 weeks."
"Lucky!" Jay exclaimed.
"You know I still have to do the work just here instead of at school right."
"Yeah and you're lucky cause you won't have teacher nagging you."
"Mike's here, I'll be getting nagged even more, I'm going to be his personal slave for the next 2 weeks, so it's not lucky at all. "
"Yep and you can start by doing the washing up." Mike replied chucking a towel at me.
"This is child labour!" I exclaimed when everyone else had gone.
"I'm not paying you, so it isn't and when you're done log on to the computer in the office."
"Why?" I asked.
"The school emailed me the work you should have done today and because you don't have any of your books, you can do it on the computer and I'll print it off."
"Fine." I grunted
I spent another 20 minutes doing the dishes, drying them and putting them away. I was trying to spend as long as possible doing them, so I wouldn't have to do as much work, but Mike started coming in and out of the kitchen, so I think he knew what I was doing. I finally gave up and logged on to the computer, it was obvious I was going to loose my patience and probably break something, I always did and it normally had something to do with maths or art.
"Do I have to come up the school?" I asked.
"Yep, at 11."
"It's going to be pointless, they aren't going to ask, what actually happened, it's just gonna be how they see things."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you never asked, who I was texting and you never asked why we went to find Jody, you just grounded us and the school will do the exact same except suspened us."
He went quiet so I carried on doing what I was doing, and I wasn't going to speak unless he said something to me.
"What actually happened then?" He finally asked breaking the silence.
"You told Jack that I'd left school, so Liam was texting me so I replied to him and we went to find Jody because nobody else was doing a decent job, I didn't want things to escalate this far."
"I know you didn't but, you also know that you aren't meant to be on your phone during lessons and, when I had the phone call saying you and Tyler had left, I was in the car looking for her, you just got there before me."
"And if you don't believe that I was texting Liam, check my phone." I said sarcastically.
"I've already read the messages, your phones in the drawer, now go and get changed you've got half an hour."
"You looked through my phone!" I exclaimed.
"Only what you sent to Liam, I didn't look at anything else. Now go and changed."
I gave in even though I wasn't happy that he looked through my phone, I seriously need to put a password on it.
After if finally decided that I was going to wear blue ripped jeans and my 'Levis' top, I started to do something to my hair.
I couldn't be bothered to spend ages doing it so I just put it in messy bun, and walked downstairs.
"When can I have my phone back?" I asked when we left the house.
"When your behaviour improves, but if you're going to carry on acting like this you won't be getting it back for a while and you also need a break from your phone, you're on it 24/7."
I slouched down in the front seat and didn't say anything else.
"No arguing or chopsing now, yeah." Mike said when the teacher had gone, so it was just us in the room.
"Yes Mike." I replied obediently causing him to smirk.
My headteacher, Mr. Jones, walked into the room and started talking to Mike. As usual I zoned out, because I honestly didn't care what he was going to say, it would just be him, telling Mike all the bad things I'd done, and he knew all of that anyway, cause Jody and Tyler can't keep their mouths shut.
After about 15 minutes , I zoned back in and that was just because stuff was getting itteresting.
"This is the second time, we've thought about suspending Jessica." Mr Jones started saying, I seriously hate it when people call me Jessica, "there have been multiple occasions where she has ignored instructions from her teachers and on one occasion, she went to the extent of hitting her French teacher!"
"That's a lie!" I basically yelled.
"Easy." Mike whispered putting his hand on my knee.
"Why would I hit someone when that's one of the reasons I was taken off my parents?" I questioned once I cooled down a bit.
He obviously didn't have a reply, so instead he sent me to go and get Tyler and all of my school books. I was hoping Mike was going to tell him something about what he'd accused me of.
As I walked up to geography, I saw Ashton standing outside our class.
"What have you done Ash?" I asked.
He ignored me so I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door.
"Can Mr. Jones have Tyler please?" I asked.
She nodded and Tyler got out of his seat and walked out of the class
"What's Ashton done?"
"Don't flip out when I tell you." Tyler replied.
"I won't, now tell me."
"He got into a fight with Mason over you."
"Because Mason you were fit or something, I didn't hear it all and then Ashton just flipped, but I don't really know so don't count me on that."
"Okay, and why did he ignore me?"
"I don't think he wants you to know that he got into a fight."
"Fair enough."
We walked around the school for ages just getting my books and by the end of it we were both carrying about 5 books each.
"Ty, I'm putting half in your bag and giving the others to Jody."
I walked into my geography class and a bunch of beady eyes stared at me.
"What?" I questioned curiosly.
"Why aren't you in your uniform?" One kid asked.
"Cause I've been suspended, now stop staring, jesus."
Everyone carried on doing what they were doing so I walked over to Jody.
"How's it going?" She asked.
"It's going terrible, I've flipped out because Mr.Jones accused me of hitting whatever her name is in French, it's Tylers turn now."
"He isn't getting sent home though is he?"
"I don't know, I wouldn't be suprised if I got suspended for longer though."
"Don't flip out or argue now, you'll go insane if you get suspended for even longer." Poppy said joining in.
"I won't now, I better go cause she's giving me the evils, " I replied looking at the teacher, "and Pop I'm not coming on face time later, my phones in the office."
"Okay, now go before she makes you go."
"Bye." I said laughing and put my hands up defensively walking out of the class.

The Lost Girl (dumping ground) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang