New Friends

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I got out of the car and Maddie helped me get all of my stuff. We started walking up the pathway towards the house, we weren't even halfway up there and an old man came to greet us outside.
"You must be Jess," he said, "I'm Mike."
I didn't answer, I just nodded my head. Maddie and Mike went a head and had a very long conversation, I just slowly followed them. We walked into the house and into a room, which I was guessing was the office, there was a woman  in there who said her name was May-li. They both started to talk too me, but I zoned out very quickly. I'd learnt to make it look like I was actually listening to what they were saying, it was also as if I'd programed my brain to zone back in every time I was asked a question.
"We knew you were coming here for a while, so we've sorted you out too be in the same form as Jody and Tyler when you go up too secondary." May-li told me, I recognised the name Tyler straight away but it could've been anyone, "I'll get someone to call them now."
She walked out of the office door and started talking too, two of the older looking kids. She walked back into the
"They'll be down now." She said.
"You know Tyler, he went to Burnywood before it burnt down." Mike told me.
I knew I recognised the name from somewhere, Tyler had been one of my best friends at  Burnywood it was the first place I ever settled in too and then it burnt down I never settled anywhere after that. They both walked into the office, I recognised Tyler straight away, you couldn't forget that hair.
"Jess, this is Jody and Tyler." Mike said.
"Hey!" I replied, it was the first time I'd spoken since I'd been there, Mike, May-li and Maddie looked a little shocked, I never normally used to speak until I'd been there for atleast a day.
"I haven't seen you in ages." Tyler said
"You two know each other?" Jody asked looking very puzzled.
"Yeah, we were both in Burnywood, before it um burnt down." Tyler replied.
"Now the introductions are done," Mike interrupted, "can you two help Jess take her stuff up to her room, she's in the spare one opposite you Jody."
They both grabbed my bags and I grabbed my suitcase.
"Jody by the way."
I followed them both upstairs and everyone we were passing they introduced me too. When we got to my room, I started to unpack and put my posters up.
"You like one direction?" Jody asked as I got the poster out of my bag.
"Yeah, I'm obsessed." I replied, "guessing you don't."
"I used to like them, when they were actually you know together."
"They still are!"I snapped.
Jody looked quite surprised that I snapped at her.
I apologised, "Sorry."
She laughed at me and I laughed along. It took me forever to unpack, I pulled out my make up box, the moment Tyler walked in.
"That's not all yours."Tyler said.
"Yeah but I don't use it, I can be bothered in the mornings to put it on."
"Don't leave Candi-rose see all that."Jody told me
"Okay..."I said.
"She'll want it."
"Ahh, now I know what you mean."
Tyler had a football in his hand and started kicking it around.
"You're going to smash something now Ty."Jody calmly told him.
He started kicking the ball harder and high. I anxiously watched him. He lost complete control of the ball and it hit a vase that was in the corridor . We ran out of my room and straight to the vase, it hadn't properly smashed it just had a chip on the top.
"I told you." Jody said to him.
"That was luck." I told him.
"All you have to do is turn it round and then you can't see it, can you?" He sarcastically replied.
Tyler turned the vase around and picked the football up.
"Football?" He asked.
Me and Jody rolled out eyes at him.
"Might as well." She replied.
I wanted to stay here, it was the first time I settled in somewhere. It was as if I felt safe around Tyler. We followed Tyler downstairs, Maddie was still here as we walked passed the office I heard Mike telling Maddie, she's settled very quickly. I smiled at them as we passed.
We went out in the garden and started playing football with Alex, Finn, Ryan and Archie. After about half an hour we stopped playing football because nobody had done their chores, for the first time I actually didn't mind helping. Jody and Tyler were doing the dishes so I helped them,we had it done quite quickly.

The Lost Girl (dumping ground) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon