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I was actually happy that it was half term because; I didn't have to be up as early and I could also question Jody and Tyler on what they were actually doing in each others rooms. I saw them kissing each other nearly everynight but it wasn't a full on kiss it was more of a peck on the cheek. I wasn't up until 10:30 so I missed breakfast. I only woke up because Jody and Tyler came into my room and scared me.
"What?" I groaned.
"Where going out now." Jody chirped
"Where?" I questioned I still wasn't really awake.
"We are meeting Poppy and Ashton in town in an hour." Tyler replied.
Poppy was one of my best friends in school, we'd been friends since primary but when she moved house. I ended up moving care homes a few months after and we never really saw each other, we saw each other on the first day of comp and it was like nothing had changed, we go on facetime for like 3 hours every night, for a few weeks we had to shorten the time because I still had the app on my phone and if I was answering back they'd take 5 minutes off but if I was good they'd add 5 minutes on. One day I took it down to 1 hour and 30.
It took me about 5 minutes to get out of bed, Jody and Tyler tried everything to get me out of bed; they pulled my quilt off me and tried pulling me out of bed. Jody grabbed the bottle of water that was on my cabinet.
"If you don't get up now, I'm emptying this on your head." Jody threated.
Tyler grabbed one too.
"Gang up on me then."
They started unscrewing the lid.
"Alright! Alright! I'll get up." I told them.
They both put the water bottles back down and walked out my room, I wanted to go back to sleep but I also wanted to see Poppy and Ashton. I just got up and got dressed. When I was dressed I walked into Jodys room where they were.
"I saw you too the other night." I told them.
"What?" Tyler questioned.
"You two were kissing."
Jodys face went red.
"It's not like I'm going to tell anyone is it." I said.
"Promise." I replied, "Come one let's just go."
"Oh yeah Mike said you can't go until you have something to eat." Tyler told me.
I complained as we walked downstairs, I wasn't even hungry but it was easy to just get something to eat rather than argue with him.
"Let's go then." I said as I picked up an apple from the fruit bowl.
We told Mike and May-li that we were going before walking out the door. The first bin we passed I chucked the apple.
"I thought you were going to eat that." Jody said.
"No, I'm not hungry." I replied.
We went to get Ashton first before getting Poppy. I think they were talking to be because they started clicking their fingers in front of me.
"How do you even stay zoned out for that long?" Ashton asked.
Tyler chirped in, "It's as if she's programmed her brain to loose focus, nobody can loose focus that quickly."
"I haven't programmed my brain at all, I just kind of zone out."
"I'm being serious now," Jody told Ashton, "we were having a conversation last night on top of the wardrobe, and all of a sudden she looked away from us and just completely changed the subject."
"What do you meant on top of the wardrobe?" Ashton questioned.
"If you live with another 10 kids, you will want to climb up somewhere to get peace for 5 minutes." Tyler told him.
"Fair point."
My phone started beeping in my back pocket, I left it. I only got it out of my pocket when it started beeping again.
"Tyler, Mike said to take your phone off silent and you've left your money in the house."
"How does he know my phones on silent?"
Jody nudged him and they both looked at me and Ashton, we were closer than we both thought. I looked down and moved away from him.
"He's rang me 10 times."Tyler said, "I'll tell him to meet us by Poppy's with money."
"Does he even know where she lives?" Jody asked.
"Well, yeah he's picked me up from there like 10 times." I replied.
We were still about 5 minutes from Poppy's house, so Mike was there before us. He normally was the one to pick us up because May-li could calm the house more than Mike can. We persuaded him to give us a lift into town even though we walked most of the way.
"Give me your phone for a minute." He told me, "unlock it too."
I relectantly handed it too him. He deleted that app on my phone, because I'm the only one who actually answered us. He handed it back to me.
I smiled. When we got to town, Tyler and Ashton left me Poppy and Jody.
"What's this with you and Ashton?" Jody asked.
I hesitated,"Nothing what's with you and Tyler."
"Quit it, Jody her and Ashton go out," Poppy replied.
I put my hand over Poppy's mouth before she could say anything else.
"You never told me."
"You never told me about Tyler."
"Me and Tyler are just friends." Jody said through gritted teeth.
"Of course you are." I was about to say what I saw but she stood on my foot. Poppy just stood there laughing.
"Where are we going then? " Poppy asked.
"I need to find high school musical on DVD." I replied.
"Do they even sell it anymore?" Poppy questioned.
"Do they don't, we've looked for it for like 2 weeks." Jody chirped in.
"We haven't looked everywhere."
"We have."
"Why don't you just borrow mine." Poppy offered.
"The more I'm thinking about it, I don't even think I want it." I replied
"Why don't you want it now." Jody said sounding shocked.
"I'm just gonna loose it."
Instead of tapping me on my shoulder when they were behind us, Ashton decided to jump on to my back. I elbowed him in his stomach.
"Owww!" He exclaimed.
"Sorry, I didn't know it was you."I gently said," what do you two want anyway."
"Well considering its 3pm, we came to ask if you wanted to go back." Tyler said.
"I don't need anything." Poppy replied.
Tyler already knew me and Jody didn't want anything. It wasn't as awkward walking back because everyone knew about me and Ashton, but I still didn't walk with him. We walked Poppy back to her house before phoning Mike to pick us up. I looked to the side of me when we were waiting for him to come and Tyler and Jodys hand were touching. There pinkies were linked. I couldn't help but smirk at them. Mike pulled up by the side of us. After dropping Ashton off we went back to the house. My head was pounding I hadn't drunk anything all day, so when we got in the house I went straight to the kitchen to get a paracetamol. Technically I shouldn't have really taken one without asking but I had complained enough in the car, so I'm guessing he took the hint. Jody and Tyler went straight in to the living room, so after I grabbed a tablet and a glass or water I went in with them. For the first time it actually wasn't that noisy, until Ryan started shouting because Alex beat him in a game of pool.
"Get over yourself!" Alex exclaimed.
"You potted the black ball." Ryan said.
"You did!"
They kept arguing for about 5 minutes.
"Both of you just shut up!" Tyler exclaimed, "Ryan you're just a bad looser and Alex you didn't pot the black ball. Now can you both just be quiet, for 5 minutes."
They went quiet after that. Even though Ryan did chuck the pool cue on top of the pool table. Jody nudged me into him and I still had the glass of water in my hand, it went all of him, I couldn't help but smirk.
"What was that for?" He questioned pushing me.
I ignored him and pushed him in to the pool table. He swang his hand around and picked up one of the two pool cues. Tyler tried to get it off him, but I made it worse by grabbing the one next me. Ryan smacked me across my face with the pool cue. My lip started to bleed, it wasn't much but it did sting after he did it. I went to do the same thing to him but he dodged me by swinging his head around. I was about the same height as him so I dropped the pool cue and slapped him across the face with my hand, his face went red where I hit him. He grabbed me by the side of the hair and chucked me up against the pool table. He punched me in the side of my face. I went forward and kicked him in his stomach. Tyler restrained me from hitting him anymore.
I had lost my temper by now, so when Tyler grabbed hold of me I swang my leg behind me and kicked him. He let go of me quite quickly after that. I kept kicking Ryan and he kept hitting me. Mike and May-li both walked in, Mike ran over and grabbed Ryan off me and May-li went into the office to get the first aid kit. They took me into the kitchen to clean up all the blood. Mike sent Ryan too his room, because when they walked in he was hitting me the most. I had a scratch going down the side of my face where the pool cue had caught me. Everytime the went near it to clean the blood around it, I started complaining. After they sorted all the blood out, Ryan came down.
"Look what she's done to my leg!" He exclaimed.
"Look what you've done to my face." I said.
"It's an improvement!" He snapped.
I went over to hit him again, but Tyler caught me just in time.
"What's been up with you recently?" May-li softly asked.
"Just get off my case!" I snapped through gritted teeth.
I flipped one of the chairs over in the kitchen and stormed upstairs in my temper. I kicked over the bin on my way upstairs. I knew I pushed it to fair this time. I wasn't in their good books already, so me getting into a fight with Ryan made stuff a lot worse for me. I kicked open my door. I heard it hit something. When I walked in to my room I noticed that the door had hit a photo frame. I picked it up from the floor, there was only a slight crack in it. I knew I couldn't stay in the house tonight, so I grabbed my hoodie that was upstairs and put my phone into the pocket.
"Jess!" Mike shouted up the stairs.
I opened up my bedroom window, there was no way I was going downstairs. It wasn't the first time I'd gone out my window so I knew exactly where to put my feet. As I got down to the ground I saw a shadowy figure walk into my room and rush out straight away. I ran around the corner and messaged Poppy to say, I was sleeping in hers. She just replied, okay.... Poppy's house was the only place I could go because Maddie would just take me back and it would be to awkward in Ashtons. My phone wouldn't stop ringing, so when I got to poppy's I knocked it off, I wasn't planning on going home anytime soon.

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