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Jodys P.O.V

Before I had even realised what had happened Tyler was already down on the floor and was holding Jess' head up, neither of us knew how she'd fallen and Jess couldn't tell us because she was unconscious after hitting her head on the end of the bed.
"Mike!" I screamed as I jumped down from the top of the wardrobe. The door was closed so I jumped onto the bed and opened it as he walked in, he rushed in and tried to pick the wardrobe up of her legs. He could just about lift it, I only caught a glimpse of her knee and it didn't look good. I think Tyler saw more because of where he was sitting and he also turned his head quite quickly. Mike started ringing someone on his phone before closing the door as he walked out.
"Did you see her legs?" I asked Tyler.
"Only her knee and a bit above where her jeans have ripped." Tyler replied, "it doesn't  look good."
As Tyler finished Mike walked back in, he took over from Tyler, there was abit of blood on his hand.
"Tyler make sure the front door is open for when the ambulance get here and Jody go and get her file from the office." He told us passing me up the keys.
We both jumped up onto the bed and off. Jay was being annoying as usual and wouldn't move from the bottom of the stairs, so I kicked him it wasn't hard but it was enough to make him move. There was about 10 other keys on the key rings, it took us ages to find the right one. We never got a chance to look in our files but we both knew it wasn't the best time to be looking through ours. I grabbed jess' passed it over to Tyler and locked the drawer. As we got back into her room there was a knock at the door, it was obvious Mike knew who it was because he got up quickly and told Tyler to take over. I only heard a little bit but it sounded like Fiona would be staying for a while, May-li had gone home this morning because she was saying her stomach was bad. Mike made us leave Jess' room because we weren't doing much and he told us to get everyone downstairs. Everyone was pretty easy to get downstairs with Charlie and Alex's help but Ryan took a little bit more persuading than the others.
"Just go down."I said in a very annoyed tone.
"Why?" He questioned to annoy me more.
"Have it your way," I replied, "but remember your deal with Mike, you haven't blown it yet."
He instantly got up and walked downstairs, Tyler smirked at him as he passed us. When we were walking downstairs the ambulance was pulling up outside. My heart felt as if it was dropping. Tyler took grip of my hand and led me into the living room before leaving go. Fiona had the bright idea of putting a film on, to distract us, which ended in absolute chaos. Firstly, nobody could agree on what to watch and secondly trying to get a room full of kids to be quiet for an entire film, was literally impossible. She let us do our own thing, but wouldn't leave us out of the living room. The blinds also got closed so none of us could see anything. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked at Tyler, he gave me a reassuring smile as if to say it's just going to be a normal checkup. I'm sure he'd seen more of her legs than I did because Tyler doesn't mind blood and he looked away pretty quickly. We heard the door shut, Mike walked in a called me and Tyler into the office.
"What actually happened?" He asked.
"I don't  know." Tyler replied.
I didn't give a chance for Mike to answer him before saying, "Her foot started to slide of the door  handle and she lost her balance trying to take grip."
"Ok, if you two want , I'll take you up the hospital later, I'm not sure if you'll be able to see her," he continued, "because they've already said she might need an operation and she'll have to have x-rays. I'm going to go up now and I'll come and pick you up at 4."
"Why can't we just go up now?" Tyler asked.
"Because, there's better chance of her being conscious later than there is now and a better chance of you seeing her." he replied, "Aston and Poppy can come over if you want them to."
"Fine."I said.
Me and Tyler walked out of the office and phoned Ashton to come over. We already knew Poppy couldn't come over because she was going out. We both went into the living room and turned on the PlayStation, the only other people in the living room were Charlie and Alex and they didn't mind that we took over the TV. Tyler loaded up fortnite before Ashton came. I wasn't really in the mood for playing on the PlayStation but I did anyway. As Tyler has just won the game, Ashton showed up.
"I swear you had 2 controllers last time I was here" Ashton said before sitting down next to Tyler.
"Jess broke it after chucking it at the table."Tyler replied.
" Why did she chuck it at the table?"Ashton asked.
"She came second in fortnite against Ryan and she wasn't too happy ." I said.
He laughed, "Why aren't you two up the hospital now"
"She won't be awake yet apparently."
After about an hour of playing fortnite we all got bored of it. As we were walking upstairs, Fiona called us back down for lunch. Tyler and Ashton both turned around and started to walk back downstairs, I carried on walking upstairs.
"Where are you going?" Tyler asked.
"I'm going to back to bed, I barely slept last night." I replied.
"You aren't having anything to eat then."
"No, I'm not hungry." I said carrying on walking upstairs.
I wasn't lying when I said I hadn't slept but I was lying about not being hungry. As I was walking into my room, I could feel my stomach rumbling. I had a pack of chocolate biscuits on top of the shelf so I ate a few of them. I heard someone opening the door when I was about to fall asleep. I was guessing it was Fiona because Tyler would have walked in talking very loud to Ashton. I turned around so it looked like I was sleeping, I slightly opened my eye to see Fiona putting down a plate next to me, she turned around and closed the door. It only took me about 5 minutes to fall asleep, I must have been asleep for at least a few hours.
"Tyler!" I screamed as he chucked water all over me.
I got up and hit him.
"It's 3:30, you've literally got half an hour to change before we're going up the hospital." Tyler said glancing at the plate of food besides me.
"Go away then for me to get changed and you can have it if you want." I replied.
He grabbed the plate of food and walked out. I was tempted to go back to sleep because I was  still shattered, but I also wanted to go up to the hospital. I didn't get ready for atleast 5 minutes I just layed on my bed trying not to fall asleep. I eventually got up. I was only ready at 3:55, so I slowly walked downstairs as Mike was walking in. I guessed Tyler was already downstairs playing on the PlayStation with Ashton.
"Where's Ashton?" I questioned as I walked into the living room.
"He went ages ago." Tyler replied turning the PlayStation off, "we did come up but you weren't waking so we left you."
"I need to talk to Fiona for a minute, go and get some of her stuff because she woken now." Mike told us.
Me and Tyler went upstairs.
"I want to find that Ipad, it's going to annoy me so much." I said.
Tyler sat on her bed, while I looked for it.
"Found it!" He exclaimed.
"Where was it?" I asked.
"Under the blanket."
"She spent ages trying to find it and it was under her blanket!"
"Yep anyway come on let's go."
Tyler took the Ipad and the charger and  I grabbed clothes. We put them all into a bag and started going to the car.
"We've forgotten her phone." I said.
"Go back and get it she'll kill you if you forget that."Mike replied laughing.
Her phone was easy to find but her charger wasnt as easy, I spent about 5 minutes finding it. Mike and Tyler were already in the car so I sat in the back playing on my phone.
"Fiona said you didn't eat anything earlier." Mike said.
"Yeah, I wasnt hungry." I replied.
He looked at Tyler and Tyler just shrugged his shoulders, they had a conversation about the football I was to tired to have a conversation with then so I just carried on playing on my phone. When we got to the hospital, a nurse took us into a room. Jess was lying on the bed.
"Thank god, you've brought my phone!" She exclaimed as we walked in.
Me and Tyler laughed before passing it over to her. A doctor followed Mike in.
"How bad is it?' Mike asked sitting down onto the chair by the side of the bed.
"It could be a lot worse," The doctor started saying, "she's damaged ligaments the most and broken atlesst 1 bone in each leg. So she won't be walking for a while. We also did an X-ray of her knuckle because it looked swollen and as we thought she broken it."
I looked at Tyler, we both knew the wardrobe hadn't landed in her hand so it didn't really make sense. Mike went out of the room to talk to the doctor and closed the door so we couldn't hear anything.
"How have you broken your knuckle?" Tyler asked.
She completely ignored us.
"Jess." I said.
"I punched a wall after me and Ryan had that fight." Jess mumbled.
Me and Tyler rolled our eyes at her.
After about 10 minutes Mike came back in.
"You're having an operation tomorrow."
"What? Why?" Jess questioned putting down her phone, "but I'm coming home tonight right."
"Because you've popped your knee and they need to do something to your leg." Mike replied, "No, they want to keep you here tonight, one of the doctors are going to come down now to take you up to casting."
"I don't want to stay here though."
"Sorry kiddo."
It went quiet until the doctor came down, because there wasn't any fuss. Mike picked her up off the bed and put her into the wheelchair. We followed them out and waited outside the casting room. I put my head onto Tylers shoulder, I could feel him pulling my hair down for him to play with it. My eyes started to close, I knew it wasn't a great idea him playing with my hair because it was just going to make me fall asleep quicker but I couldn't be bothered to argue with him. I didn't really know how long we'd been in the hospital before someone carried be back to the car. I was guessing it was Tyler because I could feel his hair rubbing against the side if my face, even though I was slightly awake, I was too tired to even open my eyes so I just left him carry me. I'm sure it was late because I could hear Mike slowly open the door. Tyler carried me upstairs and kissed me on my cheek before leaving me. Once he left I got up a put my pajamas on before falling back to sleep.

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