New School

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It was a routine now to be getting dressed and downstairs by 7:30, I still couldn't be bothered in the mornings though. I had to use an actual alarm clock in the mornings now instead of my alarm clock on my phone. Mike had taken it and put it in the safe for some reason, I'd been in trouble so much the last few weeks I don't remember why he took it. I'd been in trouble a few times in school as well but it was easy to talk my way out of that.
"Come on, we need to go." Jody said walking into my room.
"Get me your French book." I told her.
"Why?" She questioned.
"I haven't done the homework, leave me copy it."
She rolled her eyes at me before getting it out of her bag.I copied it quickly, I don't know why I was so bothered I was always sent out in French for "disturbing" the lesson.
Me, Jody and Tyler met Ashton on the way to school. Everytime I got sent out of a lesson Ashton would just sit there smirking and laughing but Jody abd Tyler didn't find it as amusing, when I would walk back in and sit down they'd both kick me in my leg.
"Guessing you haven't done the French homework." Ashton told me.
"No, she copied mine this morning before we were going to leave." Jody replied.
Tyler had been ignoring us all the way to school he was obsessed with this game. Everyone in the house was obsessed with it, they all sat there playing it continuously. I'd begged Mike and May-li to give me my phone back but they wouldn't give in, so instead I started playing it on Tylers phone. I'd annoyed Tyler though because I'd beaten his high score.
"He's worse than me, today."I said talking about Tyler.
"For a first!"Jody replied.
"Tyler, can I have a go." I asked him as I walked in front of me, so he'd have to stop. He ignored me so I snatched it out of his hand.
"Use your own phone," he snapped, "Oh wait you can't, you don't have your phone."
"Only cause I took the blame for you again!" I replied.
He want quiet after that a left me use his phone.
"Beat your high score again." I said to him as we walked into school.
The first 4 lessons were alright, but we had French last so it kind of ruined the entire day. I lasted a good 10 minutes before becoming bored. I started kicking Tyler and Ashtons chairs, their chairs started scratching the floor and squeaking, I stopped doing it after a while because the noise was going through me. I started to whisper to Jody before I got rudely interrupted my the French teacher Miss.Jones.
"Why are you talking during my lesson?" She questioned me.
I looked at her and stopped whispering to Jody.
"Why are you talking during my conversation." I mumbled when she carried on talking . I think Jody, Tyler and Ashton heard me though. We were sitting on a table for four, so when she told us what to do, Ashton started smirking at me but as expected Jody and Tyler didn't see the funny side of it. They both kicked me hard on my leg.
"Ow!" I said.
"Its not my fault you're getting yourself into more trouble than is needed." Tyler replied.
"He has a point though doesn't he?" Jody said agreeing with him.
Ashton just stayed out of it, he didn't know how much trouble I'd been in recently.
"No he doesn't have a point, you too just can't have a laugh!" I snapped.
They rolled their eyes at me and let me have a strop. I got bored of not taking to them after about 5 minutes.
"He does have a point." I mumbled.
They had already done half of the work and I still didn't have a clue what to do.
"You don't know what to do, do you." Jody asked me.
"When do I." I replied.
The 3 of them explained it to me again but I still didn't have a clue. There was only 5 minutes left and I still hadn't done anything.
"Just copy this." Tyler said, I could read his writing the most.
"Thankyou!" I replied in the sweetest and most innocent voice.
They laughed and rolled they're eyes at me.
The 4 of us walked home, we left Ashton halfway because he lived closer to the school than we did.
"Beat your high score yet." I asked Tyler winding him up.
Even Jody started laughing after I said that.
"I'm not playing that now, but I will let you know that One Direction Reunion is trending number 1 on twitter." Tyler replied.
"Show me!" I demanded.
He wouldn't show me for about 5 minutes until I kicked him in his leg to get his phone off him.
"What was that for?" He asked me limping, I kicked him harder than I thought.
"You wouldn't give me your phone." I replied.
I had to give it back to him by the time we got inside because I wasn't supposed to be on any technology, but Tyler and Jody let me use their phones so I wouldn't get bored as much. We walked inside Mike and May-li were in the office looking at files, I only saw 3 and I was guessing they were ours. One was really big and had loads of notes on it, so I was more than certain that was mine. I really wanted to get my phone back, but I also needed to keep a low profile for a while. The less trouble I was getting in the quicker I'd be getting my phone back they had only had it for a day but it felt like forever. If I went to ask for my phone back and they said no I'd have an argument with them and then I'd go in a strop. We went straight upstairs and into my room, we still want up on top of my wardrobe it was like our place. It also helped that we had found out how to get up and down there quietly and quickly. I layed down on my bed, I felt as if something was underneath me, it was only small. I moved the blanket and my phone was there.
"Yessssss!!" I screamed.
"You're obsessed." Jody replied.
The first thing I did after we climbed up the wardrobe was check twitter. Tyler kept complaining about his leg, it was all swollen and had a bruise on it. I'd kicked him a lot harder than I thought.
"Just go and put an ice pack on it." I told him still staring at my phone.
"And if they ask what's happened what am I supposed to say, even though you've got your phone back you still need to keep a low profile."
"Just say, you and Ashton were playing football and he kicked you." Jody told him.
"Or you could just get over it and stop moaning." I sarcastically replied.
"Why did you kick me so hard?"He questioned.
"I didn't think I did kick you that hard."
"Neither did I, until I started walking."
"Sorry." I said softly.
I had finally come off twitter and when I was looking at the other things in there, I found another app.
"What's this?" I asked Jody and Tyler.
"I don't know, open it."Jody replied.
I clicked on it, it wouldn't leave me in, I needed a password and I didn't know it.
"What it called, I'll see what it is." Jody said.
"space." I replied.
I saw her typing it in on her phone, they both started laughing.
"It's for breaking photo addiction, it'll knock your phone off after 2 hours." Tyler said laughing.
We'd already been back for 1 and a half hours and I hadn't come of there.
"Don't laugh, that's not funny!" I exclaimed.
"It is." Jody said.
"That's why you've had your phone back so quickly, it's probably so you don't feel left out but then after you use it for 2 hours it's going to shut down and send a message, to the computers in the office." Tyler replied.
"You've literally only got 30 minutes left, before it shuts down." Jody told me.
"Thats just plain off harsh."
They were both still laughing at me, we heard someone coming up the stairs we jumped down from the top of the wardrobe. My phone knocked off.
"That isn't fair!" I started having a strop over it.
We heard Mike shout up stairs dinner. I sat down, Mike and May-li were already in the kitchen.
"Now what's she going on about?" Charlie asked Jody.
"They've put something on her phone so after 2 hours it switches off, and well she's already been on it for 2 hours."
Charlie started laughing.
"I knew your reaction would be good, but not this good." Mike said laughing.
"It's just plain evil and horrible."
"You've been home for 3 hours and you've already used it all." May-li said.
"Yeah, 2 hours isn't long." I argued back.
"You've only come off there for an hour."
"Thats only because it knocked me off." I replied a lot quieter.
After dinner I went to get Charlie's Netflix password, Mike had set us up one but cause I'm only 11, I had to use the kids account, which meant I couldn't get Riverdale or 13 Reasons why. I used to get it on the app on my I pad but then it stopped getting streamed. It did take a bit of persuading to get it though. I was watching it at 9, but considering the episode it wasn't the best time to watch it. I wanted to know where Jody was actually going in the night so I walked past Tylers room and they weren't in there. Jody had always told me that she was in Tylers room in the night. I walked back into my room, so I walked passed Jodys her door was close I slowly opened it. I looked through the door they were both just sitting there of they're phones. I did start wondering why they were in her room and not Tylers and what were they actually doing, they couldn't have just sat there on they're phones for ages. I went to close the door, I still left it open a bit I saw Tyler lean into Jody, there lips touched and then I turned round and closed the door, I was actually kind of jealous but I was beginning to fancy Ashton more than Tyler.

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