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Jodys P.O.V

When me and Tyler walked downstairs, Jay was sitting down by the table with a smug look on his face.
"What's he done?" I asked Charlie when I sat down.
"Nothing he's only gone like that when you two came down." She said.
He sat there staring at me and Tyler for about 5 minutes. He started to look even more smug. I hadn't told Tyler that I'd seen him last night.
It was about five minutes before me and Tyler were leaving to meet Ashton.
"What were you two doing last night?" Jay asked.
Everyone who was still downstairs looked at us.
I kicked him under the table before replying through gritted teeth, "What?"
"You came out of HIS room at 2."
He didn't get the hint so I kicked him again, by this point even Mike was looking at is confused. He went quiet after that, so nobody mentioned it again. Me and Tyler got up straight and started walking to meet Ashton.
Tyler stopped before asking, "What was Jay on about?"
"I walked into him last night after leaving your room." I said.
"Well you could have been more careful!"
"Um, well it was 2 in the morning, and I was very tired." I replied slightly irritated.
"Fair point."
We walked in silence until we got to Ashton. We were later than usual, so Ashton was outside waiting for us.
"How's Jess?" He asked
"Well she's done something to her leg." I said not trying to be sarcastic.
"Well I never would have guessed, what has she actually done."
"She's damaged ligiments, popped her knee and broken a few bones in each leg they think." Tyler said.
"Ouch!" Ashton exclaimed.
We told him about how she could have a brother. He came up with the idea of asking Poppy because she'd known her for the longest.
We were all in the same reg, so we asked her as soon as we walked in.
"Does Jess have a brother?" I asked quickly.
"I don't know."
"You lived on the same street as her," Tyler said, "If you don't know that then, can you tell us why she was put in care?"
She hesitated before replying, "I don't know much, but I know everytime she'd hear someone come up the stairs, she'd hide or climb up on something, when she would come over my house if my mother or father would come upstairs she'd hide under a blanket. Also, my mother was the when who phoned social services."
"How did your mother know something was wrong?" Ashton asked.
"She was meant to be coming over mine, but never came so my mother went to see if everything was okay. Jess was only 7, so if you asked her what was wrong she'd tell you." Poppy told us, "My mother brought her over to my house and then phoned social services, she'd phoned a few times before because she could tell something wasn't right. They came with in the hour and then got put into care. But as far as the brother I'm not sure, why don't you just ask Mike?"
Me, Tyler and Ashton were lost for words.
"Anyway, what has she done to her legs?" Poppy asked swiftly changing the subject.
We told her the exact same thing as we told Ashton. Our teacher was walking towards us with a pile of brown envelopes.
"Progress grades." Tyler said.
When we got into reg our teacher, miss Morgans, handed the envelopes out. She passed us Jess'.
I put mine in my bag and opened Jess'.
"Why are you opening hers and not yours?" Ashton asked.
"Because if it's as bad as last time, I'll switch them." I replied.
I opened it up.
"These can't be hers."
Poppy took the sheet from me and compared them to hers.
She had 4 A's, 1 E and the rest were B's.
We put it back in my bag and went to first lesson. Every teacher asked us why she wasn't in. We told every single teacher the exact same thing. The entire day just dragged on, nothing entertaining happened, every lesson was the same there wasn't any shouting or messing around, you could tell Jess wasn't in she was definitely the class clown.
When the bell went at the end of the day, we basically ran out of the school and we were the first ones home.
"You two are here early." Tracy said when we walked in.
"Yeah, where's Mike?" Tyler asked.
"He's in there," She replied, "Why what's wrong."
"We need to ask him something."I said walking in to the kitchen.
"Does Jess have a brother?" Tyler asked when we walked in.
"She might why?" He said, "has she told you something?"
Me and Tyler hesitated, "No."
We were about to leave the kitchen when Mike stood up and called us back.
"Why have you asked me this all of a sudden?"
"She told us that she has one."
"I think she has more than one."
I looked a Tyler, before asking, "Why aren't they here then?"
"They're both in there twenties."
"Why don't you get them in contact?"
"Because Jess hasn't mentioned it to us and I don't actually thing they know she exists, if you can get her to say something to us, then I'll try and get them in contact."
"Okay then."
We were about to leave the kitchen. When I remembered I had Jess' progress grades in my back, I turned round and handed Mike the envelope.
"Are they better than last time?" He asked.
"3 of them are better than ours and 1 is worse." Tyler said.
"Do I need to see yours then?"
"No we had the same as last time, she's just done good this time."
"Ok, I'll take you up the hospital when everyone comes back."
Mike never looked at our grades because we were always on target. The only ones he did look at were Alex and Jess' because they were always in trouble for something. Me and Tyler both went upstairs and into our own rooms to change. I'd told Tyler to come into my room when he was ready because I was always ready before him. I picked up the Alice in Wonderland book from the side of my bed and started reading it for the third or fourth time. Tyler knocked before coming in and sitting on the bed. I looked at him but completely ignored him. He knew I was ignoring him because he started saying really stupid stuff, "I was thinking about buying a dolphin and puting it in a fish bowl."
"That's nice Tyler." I said still not paying any attention to him.
Tyler grabbed the book from me, and ran around the house with it. I caught up with him by the time he'd gotten downstairs. Tyler was a little bit faster than me so before I could grab on to him he ran outside and left the book on the kitchen table. I wasn't just going to let him get away with it, I'd been chasing him for ages. He'd only got to the football goal posts when I jumped up on his back and tackled him to the floor. Chloe and Charlie stopped playing badminton and just looked at us.
"What are you doing?" Charlie asked.
"Tackling eachother." I said.
I got off Tyler after a few minutes. He walked back inside with me on his back.
"Are you two ready to go?" Mike asked coming out of the office.
"Yeah." Tyler replied dropping me onto the sofa.

                    *15 MINUTES LATER*

We could tell which room she was in because we could here her shouting, "I'm not taking them!"
I looked at Tyler, "Here we go."
"When you take these, you can go down to physio and leave in a day or two, but if you don't take them you'll be staying here." Her nurse, Laura, told her.
When me and Tyler walked in Laura left the room.
Jess shouted out, "I'm still not taking them!"
"She has a point mind, the quicker you take them the quicker you can come back home and start winding up Jay again." Tyler said.
"Fine." Jess said hesitantly taking the tablets.
Laura walked back in with Mike behind her.
"You've taken them now." Laura said slightly annoyed.
"Yeah." Jess murmured.
Mike picked Jess up and put her into the wheelchair.
"Are you coming down with us?" Laura asked.
I nodded, me and Tyler took the wheelchair of her after a while and ran around the hospital with Jess sitting in it. We knew exactly where she needed to go after going to the wrong place about 5 times. We had to take her into the room where they put her cast on first for them to take it off. The doctor carefully cut it off, she basically didn't have any muscle in either of her legs. Her legs weren't as swollen as last time, so they took her down to have another X-ray to see if it was as bad as they thought. After she'd had more X-rays another doctor came out to speak to Mike we could just about make out what he was saying, "It's definitely not as bad as we first thought, her legs are still weak but I'd say she can go in about a day or two."
I was going to carry on listening to their conversation, but when Jess came out me and Tyler went down to physio with her. Tyler had been listening to the conversation aswell, so when Laura left the room we told her what the doctor had told Mike.
"Finally." She said.
"Seriously though we need you back, everywhere has been boring."
"Have you missed me that much?"
"It's just been really quiet, nobody's been climbing on the tables in school and nobody's been screaming in the house." Tyler said, "but you still aren't coming home for another 2 days."
Laura walked back into the room so we didn't mention it again. She picked her up and put her on the bed.
"Lift your left leg up, and put it on my arm." Laura said.
She didn't complain and just did it. She could lift her leg fine she just couldn't bend it. She was getting tired of doing it so Laura let her stop. When we went back to her room, Mike was already in there.
"You can go now, I want to watch love Island." Jess said while Mike was putting her back onto the bed, "I want to get in contact with my brother as well."
Me and Tyler looked confused we hadn't told her that Mike needed to hear it from her.
"I'll ring Maddie later, and try and sort something out."
When we got home we knew he'd rang her because Jess' file was on his desk and Maddie came over after about an hour. After Maddie had left Mike came out and asked us to bring Jess' stuff downstairs and into the spare room, we both didn't realise how much stuff she actually had. We took most of it down ourselves but we had to ask Alex to take down the bed because he was probably the strongest out of all of us. Me and Tyler spent most of the night sorting out her room and then playing pool. We didn't go into each others room we both just fell asleep in our own

I'm sorry for the really strange ending I've ran out of ideas because I've got more ideas for further on so I might skip a few weeks in the next chapter. Thank you for reading this far! I hope you're enjoying this fanfic!

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