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When the meeting was finally over, Tyler got his stuff and sat in the back of the car. I was expecting Mike to loose it when he found out Tyler had been suspended for 2 days, but he seemed very relaxed.
"I can't believe the reason why you got banned from the school computers." Mike said laughing.
"You were trying not to laugh when you found out why, and Ty you did laugh."
"You got banned for googling shirtless pictures of Liam Payne and Harry Styles, of course I was going to laugh." Tyler replied.
"I'll give you that, it was a good reason to get banned."
"While we're still on the topic of school, can I change schools?" I asked.
"Why?" Mike questioned.
"The teachers in that school hate me, I've got a bad reputation there and if I do decide to take things further with Jack and Liam, I'd be moving schools anyway."
"You aren't going to get a better reputation in any other school, I know what you're like so you aren't moving schools and Jack and Liam want to put you in a private school, so you can't start there until the start of the new term."
Tyler sniggered from the back seat.
"You in a private school, that's stricter than a normal school, you can't even avoid trouble in a normal school you'll get kicked out after a week."
"Shut up Ty." I said basically laughing.
"Anyway," Mike continued giving Tyler a glare, "you still haven't decide what to do about Jack and Liam?"
"Nope, they want me to move in, I want to move in, but every thing will go wrong and I don't really want things to go fast."
"You've got a meeting with Maddie in a week so ask her to get things moving but slowly at your own pace yeah."
The conversation just died after that, which I was glad about. We only started talking again when Mike's phone beeped.
"Jess, check that incase Alex or Jay have decided to play up."
"It isn't Alex or Jay but the primary is shut tomorrow, cause of inset day."
"Great." Mike said sarcastically.
"You can't expect us to do work tomorrow, can you leave us off and we'll do more Monday?" I asked sweetly.
"Fine, you two can help me entertain tomorrow though."
"Deal." Me and Tyler replied instantly.
The rest of the car journey was silent. Mike was concentrating on the driving, Tyler was on his phone and I was twiddling my thumbs because I had nothing else to do.
When everyone was home Jody came into my room with Tyler. I was going to meet her with  Tyler, but I'd wound Mike up all afternoon so he wouldn't leave me. I wasn't  even suprised when he didn't leave me, I had kind of deserved it.
"So, what happened?" She asked, sitting down on the bed.
"They've got me a social worker and a counsellor, for my temper."
"You've never really flipped out at school and you've already got a social worker."
"Exactly, but apparently I'm not telling Maddie everything."
"Jess, don't lie you flipped out in the meeting." Tyler said snitching on me to Jody.
"What did you flip out about?" Jody asked.
"Geez, Jodes, you're full of questions. They said I was getting a social worker so I said I've already got one so I don't need one and then I may or may not have started shouting, but I didn't properly flip out."
She rolled her eyes as the door flung open.
"Get lost Mya." I said knowing it was her.
"Or what?"
"Or I'll chin you."
"Liams downstairs you wont touch me."
"You really wanna try that, it's not like I'll get into any trouble for it, I'm already grounded and my phones in the office so."
"Alright then."She walked over to me and slapped me.
"Here we go." Tyler muttered.
I got up and hit her back and we didn't stop hitting and kicking each other each other until Mike and Liam came up.
By this point I  had pinned Mya down to the floor. So Mike yanked me off Mya and Liam helped her up.
He yelled at us for couple of minutes, before putting me on time out in my room and Mya on time out in the quiet room.
"What was that all about?" Liam asked.
"She started on me."
"Did you need to hit back?"
"Yes, I did, because she's horrible and if we don't get on, then I won't have to share anymore."
"You'll have to do more than getting into fights with her, Tyler should know what to do he did it to me."
I looked at Tyler curiously.
"Oh, chuck her stuff out the window."
"Actually don't that's not a good idea, you're in enough trouble as it is, just keep out of her way." Liam replied, "and come and look at this, while I'm still here."
I sat on Mya's bed with Liam while Jody and Tyler sat on mine leaning against eachother. Them two are genuinely adorable.
"Jack will never leave you buy a rock climbing wall."
"It's my house though and it'll be sick."
"You won't use it."
"No, but you will."
"If you put it inside it'll be fine, it rains all the time so it'll be pointless outside."
"I'll add it to the games room, you can choose it though , and send me the link, " Liam replied, "now I'm going to go before the rain picks up."
"No more arguing or fighting now yeah." Liam said when we were walking down stairs.
"What about shouting?"
"I mean it Jess."
"Yeah, fine." I replied.
"Remember to look for the rock climbing wall thing."
"I will now go." I said pushing him out the door.
"Bye then."
"I need you to go and apologise to Mya." May-li said, walking out of the office, "today's my last day before I go on leave, and I don't want to leave with you two at eachothers throats."
"Fine, where is she."
"In the quiet room, you two wait here, leave them sort it out."
I didn't want to apologise at all, but I wasn't going to argue with May-li on her last day.
"Am I meant to accept that apology."
"I don't care if you do."
"Good cause I don't."
"Screw you Mya, I didn't want to apologise in the first place." I snapped, before walking out.
I spent about 5 minutes trying to find Jody and Tyler, when I eventually found them, they were cuddling with eachother on the floor in Jodys room.
"You didn't actually apologise did you?" Jody asked lifting her head from Tylers chest.
"Did I hell." I said sitting on her bed.
They both shook there heads and laughed at me.

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