Chapter 7

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*A month later*

Nothing was getting better with me and Jordan. I took up the deal with Nate. I'd been getting into a lot more trouble with the police recently. Jordan was tagged and they were talking about me getting tagged. I was sitting in the office with Nate, Jack, May-li and Scott.
"Right." Nate said giving me a phone, "that is gonna track and record you, when your with Jordan. Any trouble that he gets you into won't matter as long as you didn't give him the idea. Cause he's been tagged we're gonna have to tag you too, but, it's gonna be used to track you, incase the phone dies."
"yeah, ok." I replied, I mean it's not like I could argue with him.
That was that, they put a tag on me and left, I was expecting May-li or Scott to go nuts but neither of them did.
"Go and have something to eat." May-li said hugging me, I'd told them everything, the abuse and the burning. The only thing I hadn't really told them was I wasn't really eating much. Jordan kept going on about how I put on weight and it affected me more than anyone thought. I think Alex had noticed but didn't say anything. I let go of May-li and went it to the kitchen, it was the first time I'd seen anyone without having makeup on. The room went silent, Tyler managed to talk about something, and then it turned into a debate. Which to be honest made me feel better. I wouldn't sit at the table, instead I sat on the counter with my back facing them. I sat for a few minutes on my own until two chairs moved back. I looked to my sides and Jody and Tyler were sitting with me.
"We're staying in Ashton's tonight if you want to come?" Tyler asked.
"Me and Ashton aren't speaking to eachother, so there's no point." I replied shrugging.
"Really Jess, that's a terrible excuse, you know how much Ashton wants to speak to you again." Jody said.
"fine, I'll come."
I went upstairs and put makeup on all over again, no way was Ashton seeing me like that, because when he wanted he had a bad temper, and would go nuts at Jordan. Within 2 hours we were at Ashton's and in his room.
"I've ordered dominos, and Poppy said her mum was dropping her off later."
I gulped, me and Poppy hadn't spoken to eachother in months, we were blanking eachother like we never met. Her mum dropped her off within 10 minutes, she came upstairs talking to Ashton, when she saw me she stopped dead in my tracks.
"hi." I said awkwardly.
"erm, hey, how come you aren't with him," she looked at the floor making contact with the tracker, "You're tagged!"
"no I'm not."
"so what's that then?" Ashton hadn't noticed it so he followed her glance and looked at it to.
"It's incase something happens to me."
"What do you mean incase something happens...."
"Do you really think me and Jordan have a perfect relationship."
They both looked at me, "Does he..."
"yes!" I interrupted.
Ashton went to give me a hug, I backed away from him. I was hoping that wasn't going to be a fear now. The fear of a boy coming near me. Jordan had ruined my life and he knew he had.

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