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"Has she gone yet?" I asked walking in to the kitchen.
"Yeah, about an hour ago and Kayla is gonna be here in 2 hours."
"The new girl?" I asked.
"Jody, you ready to go?" Tracy asked following me into the kitchen.
"Yeah." Jody replied.
"Tyler I'll drop you off on the way."
"Where are you going?" I questioned.
"I'm going boxing and Tylers seeing his mum."
"So you're both leaving me."
"Yeah, and we aren't coming back for a while."
"Well thanks for that." I sacarstically replied.
When they left, I slouched down on the chair. Today was gonna be a long day.
"Is someone feeling lonely." Jay mocked.
"Shut it."
"Is someones temper coming back?" he carried on, "don't want to end up in secure again do you."
I threw a jug of water at him, kicked over my chair and ran upstairs. I fell back onto my bed, and stared at the ceiling. I cooled myself down instead of hitting or smashing something up, which was a lot harder than I thought. I stayed where I was for a couple of minutes before walking over to my desk. I pulled my English book from the drawer and tried to finish my essay that I'd started before getting suspended. I actually started to regret being suspended, it wasn't a fun as I expected it to be. I stayed upstairs and fell back asleep,(after completely giving up on the essay) , I stayed asleep until Mike knocked on the door.
"You alright?" He asked siting on the bed.
"Yeah I'm fine." I said.
He looked over at my desk, "Have you been attempting to do school work?"
I nodded.
"I never thought I'd see the day where you'd actually put effort into school work and it's a weekend. Are you feeling alright?" He put his hand on my forehead.
I laughed before saying, "I know I suprised myself, and I'm getting bored of being suspended."
"It's only been 2 days, you're regretting it aren't you."
"Yep, can you try and get me back in school please."
"I'll email them tomorrow, but I'm not promising anything."
I smiled, as a car pulled up outside.
"She's early!" Mike exclaimed.
"It could be Jack and Liam."
"Have a look."
I got up and looked out the window.
"It's Maddies car, so no it's not Jack and Liam."
"Maddies her social worker, so she's here early." The panic in his voice started to become easier to tell, "tidy up this room a little bit please."
"Yes, now go downstairs, you don't wanna make her more anxious waiting outside, the poor kids gonna be terrified anyway."
"oh yeah." he basically ran out of my room.
I laughed and starting to tidy up.
It was genuinely boring without Jody and Tyler there was nothing to do, apart from laying on the bed. It wouldn't have been fine if I had my Ipad or something but I'd lost it all after getting suspended. All I was doing today was laying down and it was becoming tedious.
"Yeah?" I called out after hearing knocking on my door.
The door swung open, and Mike was stood there, with a girl, obviously much younger, she had blonde hair positioned neatly in 2 plaits, exactly how Maddie had done mine, before I was put into my first placement, she wore a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved top.
"Jess this is Kayla, Kayla this is Jess."
I sat up and smiled.
"I'll be back up in 10 minutes, I've got to do a little bit more paperwork with Maddie, and then I'll come up."
He turned around and closed the door. I looked over at Kayla and her eyes began to fill with tears. I got out of bed and hugged her.
"I wanna go home" she cried.
"It's not that bad here mind, why don't we get your stuff from downstairs and then I'll show you around, yeah?"
She looked up at me, slowly nodded and took grip of my hand.
"or do you want a piggyback?" I asked.
Her hand stayed tightly gripped to mine, so I led her out of the room. We'd only go into the hall when she stopped, looked around and back at me.
"Why can't I go home?" She asked nearly crying.
I sighed before saying, " I don't know, but you'll find out ."
Then Taz came out of her room with Sid, Kayla stated at them and seemed pretty intrigued with what they were doing. Not even I was sure what they were doing at this point, I think they were making slime or something.
"You wanna help them?" I asked.
Kayla slowly started to nod.
"Taz, Kaylas gonna help you two with whatever you are doing." I called out.
"okay." She replied walking over to us.
"I'll be downstairs or in my room, if you need me."
They both smiled at me and walked off. I walked downstairs and knocked on the office door, before coming in.
"Please tell me you haven't lost her." Mike asked as soon as I walked in.
"No, shes with Taz and Sid, so I came to get her stuff."
"Oh right," he replied passing me a bag and my phone, "You've learnt your lesson."
"Does that mean I'm not grounded anymore." I smirked.
"Don't push it."
"You should've expected that." Maddie said.
I smiled and looked at Maddie before saying, "Can you start doing the fostering paper work for Jack and Liam please."
"Of course I will."
I turned around and walked out.

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