New Beginnings

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I loaded my social worker, Maddies, car with all of my stuff, 1 suitcase and 3 bags. I got into the car and sat in the front passenger seat. The car hadn't even started and there were already a million thoughts running through my head. Where is this place? Will I like I there? Will I fit in?
I plugged my headphones in to my Huawei phone , my last foster parents got it for me as a 'We're dumping you back in care present.' I went straight on to my Spotify account and put my one direction playlist on, it always seemed to calm me down. Maddie came in the car and started to drive off. I started to feel sick, but I always did before I was dumped somewhere else. I began getting bombarded with loads of questions.
"Take your headphones out for a minute."
I did what Maddie told me to do for the first time in forever.
"Are you going to behave yourself this time?" She asked.
"Of course." I sarcastically replied with a smirk on my face.
Maddie looked at me.
"Alright, alright I will this time, I can't be bothered for anymore change."
Maddie started laughing.
"Do you have all of your stuff?" She questioned.
"Yea, I think."
It was pretty pointless her asking me that now, we'd left like 20 minutes ago.
The time seemed to pass quicker than I expected. We pulled up outside this big house bigger than any of the other ones I'd been too. I breathed in. I looked at Maddie she gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't see the point of opening the car door and running off, I didn't know where I was and she'd always find me, it did cross my mind though. I looked at the door handle and at the house. I actually wanted to settle somewhere, I took my hand away from the door handle and smiled back at Maddie. Here goes nothing!

The Lost Girl (dumping ground) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя