xxx. - ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1

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"Do I really have to go?" It was a rhetorical question.

Jimin knew he had to go, even if he didn't want to. Heechul gave him a sideways look, seeing the boy pout.

"Don't give me that cute face. You know there is nothing I can do about this."

"C'mon, Hyung, this is going to be fun! Hyuka is so excited and happy." Beomgyu said this to his brother.

"Is he?" Jimin asked not in an accusing tone but in a worried one.

It was the young prince's birthday, which also meant his status as a wolf would be revealed. For what Jimin can remember of their last conversation, Heuningkai could be an omega too.

It was making him nervous. The idea of the young boy having to choose between the alphas already existing (minus his own brother, of course) was wrecking his own nerves.

But Jimin didn't know if he was nervous because the poor kid had his options limited or if it was because Jimin's omega could lose an alpha. And that was so fucking selfish of him, he could admit it.

"He is, for real." Gyu guaranteed and Jimin sighed.

"Are there going to be lots of people?" Heechul pressed his lips together in a sign of pity.

"You won't have to interact with anyone. Tzuyu will be by your side at all times, and she will help you if anyone comes to talk to you." The counselor reassured him, a hand clasped on the omega's shoulder.

"Can't you assign me bodyguards that won't let anyone come near me?" He pleaded, just to be sure he would have to be in uncomfortable situations.

"Jimin-ssi... You're going to be the next king; you need to start getting used to these gatherings and interactions." Jimin let his shoulders slump and nodded. 

"I have to go now. The stylists are coming soon to help you two dress up." He said this, pointing to the Park brothers.

Beomgyu was on his phone, smiling at it and laughing for no reason that Jimin could point it out. The young Park's days were mostly passed by the young royal boys' side, and Jimin was glad his brother had trustworthy people to surround himself with.

Not long after Heechul left, a knock on the door was heard. Tzuyu came in with the stylists after Gyu voiced out for them to come in. It was another afternoon of retouching his roots, recoloring his hair and makeup, and choosing the right outfit.

At some point, the stylists took off his wristbands. There were still some marks in it, and Jimin felt like burning with embarrassment when they cooed and looked at him with sorrowful eyes. Nayeon put some makeup on the skin, smoothing carefully over the burns and cuts. Jimin watched as his wrists turned 'normal' like she had simply wiped off his wounds.

Not long after, they left, alongside Beomgyu, who was too excited to wait. Jimin felt fidgety, knowing his time to leave the room was coming soon. His stomach started to hurt, and he was quick to pick up a couple of pills Momo had left to soothe his nerves and his stomach pains.

"Hey, don't be nervous. Everything is going to go fine." Tzuyu assured him with a calming voice, rubbing her hand on his back.

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