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"Did you think you would get to cum, princess? After everything, you put me through? After breaking my heart? Do you think you deserve to cum?" Jin tried to say something, but the tie in his mouth didn't let a comprehensible word out. 

"Blink once if you want me to stop or twice if you want me to continue."

Jin breathed deeply through his nose, his eyes streaming down tears as he tried to make out Joon's image through the cloudy eyes. Joon sported a devilish expression of enjoyment, even if the words he spoke came from his heart.

He wasn't as heartbroken as he was saying, or at least he was enjoying this punishment way too much. Jin then remembered the fact that Joon found Jimin imprisoned in shackles. Was he envisioning Jimin in Jin's stance?

Jin blinked once after keeping his eyes open for as long as he could while his brain trained to process everything. He kept his eyes closed for longer than he needed, and Namjoon understood his answer. Quickly, he took the tie out of his mouth and started to untie one of the older man's ankles.

"Don't." Jin stopped, his voice hoarse from the crying and moaning. Namjoon stopped his action and looked up at his hyung with a frown. 

"Do you love me?" Jin muttered, his voice strangled by the real tears that were emerging.

"What-? Hyung..." Namjoon was taken aback by the sudden question.

"If you love me, make love to me."

"I thought you were liking this."

The younger wasn't understanding where all this was coming from and why Jin suddenly wanted out of their game. The question was still blasting in his mind as he sat on the mattress with his knees down and his feet supporting his bum. His hands rested on his thighs while his eyes focused on the details of the linen on the tangled blanket under him.

"I was, but then..." Jin was still trying to make sense of his mind, but the more he stopped to think, the more doubts he got.

"Then what?"

"Then I realized something. I realized that maybe you were not punishing me; maybe you were trying to envision someone else here." He answered sheepishly, his voice almost whispering.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Joon's forehead sported a deep crease that almost made his eyes disappear. He had a suspicion of whom the older one was talking about, but he wasn't even close to what exactly the other was thinking.

"Jimin," he said, pulling at the restraints.

Namjoon widened his eyes and frowned. That wasn't what he had in mind at all. What Jimin went through was nowhere near what he and Jin were experiencing. It wasn't pleasurable, and Namjoon wasn't taking any relish in envisioning Jin going through the same as Jimin.

Or worse, having a sick, twisted desire to restrain Jimin and abuse his body like he was doing with Jin. It was far from that.

Rage came to him that Seokjin thought so lowly of him, so he quickly untied all the older man's limbs.

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