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"Did you sleep well?" Momo asked as soon as the door to his room was open.

Jimin rubbed his eyes, his lips still pouty, but he was already awake when she knocked. He had only been staring at the ceiling, with no thoughts in his head, only resting and waking up slowly.

"I feel like I slept a lifetime."

"It was almost it." She laughed nasally, mussing up his hair. 

"You have been sleeping for almost 15 hours for the last two days. Are you still tired?" Jimin widened his eyes at that information.

He used to sleep a lot when he had his heats, but never past 12 hours. 15 hours was a lot! He looked back at the bed and the closed curtains, and guessed it was the comfort of the cloudy mattress and the dark that contributed to that high number of hours of sleep.

"No. I'm famished, though." He said this, rubbing his belly.

"Well, good thing then, because I brought you food," Momo said with a wide smile. "Go open the windows, will you?"

She asked while she stepped out of the room for a few moments and then came rushing in with a food tray-cart. Jimin was quick to press the buttons on the walls to open the blinds and the curtains, and then pushed open one of the window doors that led to the balcony.

"I want to eat outside." He said and Momo nodded, pushing the cart outside where there was a round table with two seats. 

"Oh my, that is so much food. You'll have to eat with me!" He said this, finally looking at the tray-cart.

"Jin and Mina prepared you a feast with the help of the menu Sana's made especially for you," Momo said, setting the table with two sets of plates and cutlery, as well as two teacups and two glasses.

"Mina? Sana?" Jimin asked with a frown, not remembering ever hearing those names or meeting someone named like that.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you still don't know everybody," Momo said with wide eyes, then closed them into crescent moons, her high cheeks rising higher in a sweet smile.

"Yeah," Jimin pouted.

There were so many people that it always left him breathless. He was so used to knowing only three people and living and coexisting with only them.

And suddenly he was meeting a lot more of others, as well as having to try to remember their faces and their names along with everything else.

"Mina is Jin's chef-in-assistance in his business and in life. He brings her everywhere he goes. She's the only one he trusts to prepare his meals; now she does your meals too." She explained while serving all the goods.

"Do you want some?" He asked, pouring orange juice into their glasses and some tea that smelled a lot like lemon and raspberry, after she nodded.

"And Sana is your personal nutritionist." She continued once he looked at her briefly and wiggled his head for her to proceed. 

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