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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ T H E  U N I V E R S E ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶


🐺 Full-blood: born into a couple constituted by a/o
🐺 Half-blood: born from a family where one of the parents is a full-blood but made in the lab
🐺 Tainted: a/o made in a lab and injected into female betas
🐺 Betas: Can't reproduce themselves, but female betas can carry babies.


🤔 Heat/Rut - As the name says, it's when the a/o pass through a time of change in their bodies, coming with lots of symptoms, so they can attract the opposite a/o to reproduce. Heat is for omegas, Rut is for alphas. Betas are free of these cycles.
🤔 Knot: It's, as the name says, a knot that all alphas have on the base of their penis that swells and then locks inside the omega, to heighten the chance of impregnation
🤔 Manifestation: When the wolf shares its mind with its host. Until then, it stays dormant.
🤔 Maturation: When the body of the a/o prepares for copulation - alphas start forming knots and omegas start to suffer other changes in their body to prepare for pregnancy.
🤔 Marking: When A/O mate for life by biting each other's necks to connect their souls.


💉 Children of a/o couples are automatically alpha or omega
💉 Half-bloods happen because one of the parents is not full-blood (meaning, it's a beta. They are made in the lab with direct DNA from the full-blooded parent).
💉 Tainted a/o are a rare breed, since no scientist has yet been able to find the right genetic code to make a/o.
But since there are few cases in the world, that's why they keep trying. Also, because without In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the world would enter into population collapse.
💉 The Tainted are made from the shallow eggs and sperm of the betas and manipulated in the lab to become reproducible.
💉 When one of the parents is a full-blood, the chances of successful reproduction are higher.
💉 The presentation of each individual is made at the age of 14 through a test. If the test reveals that the individual is from an a/o category, they're given an injection to start the process of manifestation.
These teens are given suppressants and pills to help them maturate by controlling and softening their heat and rut until they are of legal age to start mating.
💉 When it happens that the individual isn't tested and manifested/matured in a controlled environment, and it's from an a/o category, their manifestation, and maturation process happens naturally, but more aggressively and painful, at the age of 18. 


👑 Incest is only permitted inside a/o dynamics and only in in vitro. Other than that, it's illegal.
👑 Each couple (aside from a/o) is offered one insemination for free.
This first one is mandatory by law, meaning each couple is required by law to get inseminated.
The second is paid in half by the kingdom/government and the third is fully paid by the couple.
👑 The rulers of each kingdom have to be a/o.
👑 When a kingdom doesn't have a/o rulers, it turns temporarily into democratic governance.
👑 Sometimes a/o donate their sperm/eggs to help their kingdom repopulate when they are in crisis.
👑 When there are more alphas than omegas, the law allows alphas to take rut suppressants.
👑 Omegas are expressly forbidden to use any kind of birth control or suppressants. The only thing omegas can take are pills to alleviate the symptoms.
👑 A/O couples usually imprint/mark and even if there are other a/o around, they aren't able to be with them. A/B or B/O aren't able to imprint/mark.

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