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Jimin was on edge. Even though he had taken a pill to soothe his nerves and another for his stomach aches, he was still feeling his tummy bubbling and a painful and tingling sensation in his muscles.

Heechul told the stylists to dress him simply, per Taehyung's suggestion, so they did their best to make him look effortlessly beautiful and natural. They still managed to put some makeup and jewelry on to complement the homely clothing.

When he reached the top of the main staircase, he took a deep breath. The sound that came with it caught the attention of Taehyung, who was already waiting for him at the bottom, sitting in one of the armchairs. He had his elbow resting on the arm of the seat, his fingers tracing his lips as he seemed lost in thoughts. His eyes darted up, seeing Jimin descend the staircase to his left. Immediately he got up, and he felt his wolf turn inside him time and time again.

"Hi." Taehyung greeted him with a low tone once Jimin finished stepping down the stairs.

"Hi." Jimin waved sheepishly, his voice just a breeze. His face lit up in a soft tint of pink as the memories of the press conference day flooded in.

"Are you ready?" Jimin wanted to say no and get back to his bedroom, but Momo's words kept ringing in his mind, so he just hummed.

Taehyung signaled the omega to walk in front of him to the exit of the palace, where some photographers were ready to click some pictures of the two. Jimin widened his eyes, surprised by the number of people that were there to flash some pictures. He knew that they would be there; Heechul had informed him, but he didn't expect as many people as on the day of the press conference.

"Duke Taehyung, where do you intend to take Park Jimin-ssi?"

"Park Jimin-ssi, what's your impression of Duke Taehyung?"

"Mr. Park, what are your feelings towards Duke Kim?"

"Duke, are you confident the omega is going to choose you?"

"Where I'm taking him is going to remain a secret for now, since I want to surprise him. We will get to know each other and hopefully create a connection, even if friendship-wise. I ask you to respect our privacy, especially Park Jimin-ssi's. He is not used to all this, and we don't want to scare him away, right?" Taehyung spoke beautifully, getting some laughs from the crowd.

Jimin kept looking at the Duke with admiration, his eyes sparkling, and eventually, Taehyung looked back at him. Once again, Kim Taehyung was able to make Jimin forget about everything around him and feel at ease by his side. Taehyung flashed a quick smile and hovered his hand on the omegas back, guiding him to where their date would happen.

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