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a/n: A few new paragraphs were add in this chapter at 24feb2024



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For the rest of that Thursday, the Park brothers spent their time in the bedroom, watching TV. It was still weird to see different things happen in a thin, wide box like they were really happening right in front of their eyes, but they were starting to get used to it. This way, they could learn how people lived and quickly get used to it.

However, when Friday came, things drastically changed. Suddenly, taking time to relax and spend his free time with his brother wasn't as good as Jimin expected. He had nothing to do; he knew nothing about anything, and even with the tour they gave him, he was mostly lost in that big palace. In addition to that, his younger brother wasn't so keen on spending all day in bed again, per Jimin's suggestion.

Back at their cottage, they all had chores to do all day, be it collecting plants, herbs, and fruits, or hunting for food. If not, they would be taking care of the house, the clothes, and the small animals they had in their backyard. There was always something to do, so time always passed by fast.

However, in the palace, Jimin couldn't do any chores, since it was below his status now.

So, despite having loved the relaxing time to do anything the day before, now Jimin's body ached to do something. Noticing his restlessness, Beomgyu decided to pull him around the palace, under Jimin's protests. The older boy was surprised at how easily his brother seemed to be crossing the long corridors as if he knew where he was going.

Well, while Jimin had been occupied with his omega duties, his brother had been free to do anything, so it was not that surprising that the younger Park was so at ease inside the palace.

But as he followed his brother around like a lost puppy, Jimin felt anxious that roaming around so much could lead him to cross paths with any of the alphas he wanted to avoid, the Queen included. To his luck, he hadn't come across any of the seven.

Well, not quite.

The only Alpha Jimin ended up meeting was a young boy who was too timid to seem threatening to him. Beomguy had led Jimin to one of the outside backyards, where five young boys were playing. As soon as Jimin sniffed the alpha scent in one of them, he tensed and frowned at the same time as they stared at each other. Both of them were curious about one another, and now Jimin was sitting in the luxurious living room of a tree house bigger than the cabin he used to live in.

As Jimin settled into the plush sofa, he couldn't help but marvel at the surroundings. The walls of the treehouse were adorned with intricate carvings, and sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the room. The atmosphere was filled with an air of anticipation, and Jimin noticed the other four boys, beside his brother, eyeing him with a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

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