Author's Note

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Hello guys! I just want to extend my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to all the readers who have supported my story, In This Lifetime. I want to thank you for all of your votes and comments from the past chapters which have made me push through with the story.

Well, at first I was really doubting myself when I just started this story because I am inexperienced. There was no concrete plan on what the plot was going to be and there was no clear storyline at all, but thank you for always supporting and giving me encouragements and so I eventually found my way and now, my first story has now come to its end.

Please continue supporting me in my next stories in the future. I love you all guys, and keep yourselves safe and healthy.

By the way, my next BrightWin fanfic story is Escape whereas the first chapter, [First Realm] is now out. See you in my next story and once again, thank you!



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