Chapter 25: One Last Time

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Win wakes up with the throbbing pain from his head and his eyes felt heavy with the sunlight escaping from the curtains. He quickly bit his lip as he tried to move from the bed but the pain that is coming from every part of his body greets him into a slight discomfort. I feel exhausted even if I just woke up. He thought as his eyes squint when he hovered his vision to his surroundings.

"Win, are you okay?" Pluem asked as soon as Win sees his friends sitting on the edge of the bed. His body immediately became tensed from the question with which all the things that happened last night flashed like a movie through an instant and made him remember everything vividly.

His eyes quickly pooled in tears as he looked at them trying to suppress everything but his eyes betrayed him as he was again crying his heart out. He felt as if he's a chunk of mess that is literally thrown out on the trash— empty and useless.

"Win..." The three of them went beside him and pulled Win into an embrace. The way he trembles made his friends hug him tighter, hoping that it will ease the pain that he's feeling even just a little.

"W-what happened? Why am I here at your unit Adrian?" Win puzzled, lets out a whimper as his sobs turn into violent cries. He feels his throat a bit sore as his voice became muffled and hoarse.

"Bright called me and I immediately went out to look for you. You were passed out in the middle of nowhere while soaked in the rain." Adrian replied with a hitched breathing as he never saw Win on this state before. He was completely shocked at how destructive it made Win to be like this, and on how painful it is to see his friend suffer. Win bit his lip at the mention of Bright's name and his insides churn but just shrugged the thought and smiled bitterly.

"Thank you. I-I'm sorry for disturbing you—"

"Hey Win it's alright. That's nothing." Adrian immediately patted Win's back gently and reassured him with a smile.

"Win, you know we are always here for you if you need us. Right?" Pie softly remarked and the two nodded. Win quickly pulled the three of them in his arms. He felt relieved, as there are still people who are there for him when he needs it most.

"I'm sorry for making you all worry..." He lets it out like a whisper since he still feels weak. His head still spins, with which he thought because of all the alcohol he drank last night.

"What happened Metawin?" Pluem exclaimed with which the two beside him immediately glared at him and hissed at his question. "I mean, if you're ready, you can tell us." He nervously smiled which makes Win let out a heavy sigh.

"I didn't know why those words came out from my mouth that night. But, I thought that... it's enough. I don't want this anymore. I just want the peace of mind that I really deserve." His voice was soft, yet firm with his words. He just feels like everything came crashing down altogether, and all he could do was to shut everything out from this fucked up world where he could be safe and sound.

A sudden knock came from the door with which Adrian quickly went to check. It was Bright—with his deep bloodshot eyes and obvious dark circles under it. Adrian's brows quickly furrowed at the sight, which made him worry that it might agitate Win once again.

"Bright I think this isn't a good idea—"

Bright immediately brings himself inside and as soon as he sees Win, tears started to flow from his eyes as he looked at the person's state. "Win talk to me baby. Please..." He was pleading— aching for the other to just lower down his guards and listen to him. Adrian immediately went to stop Bright from coming closer to Win as Pluem stood up and tried to calm down Bright.

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