Chapter 1: Wallet

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The first day of the second semester will be tomorrow. Thinking of it still makes me quiver. The academic load last semester was very heavy, and I can't even find time to sleep anymore. Literally! Requirements were pain in the ass, but I'm thankful that I have my friends that I can ask for help when I need something and they are willingly happy to assist me in every possible way  they can. And I barely made it out alive because of them.

[Win? Are you still there?] I immediately pulled myself in reverie as Pluem on the other line shouted. I am still fixing my things here in my unit since I came back here after the semestral break. My mom drove me here and filled my refrigerator with food and then left immediately since she will be having a meeting this afternoon.

Yeah! I'm just arranging my things. See you later. I hanged up the call and finished my tasks deliberately.

My friends and I will meet up today since we just wanted to go out before the start of semester. We plan to go in Iconsiam just to hang out, eat, and maybe watch some movie. But before that, I am considering if I will buy a new set of uniform for tomorrow. My uniform is already worn out, and I think I'll go to the university bookstore later before going to meet them. I am just really hoping the store is open today since there are times that the store is open during Sundays.

I am currently taking up Civil engineering, and God knows how hard the requirements from this course are. Or at least, maybe I'm just over reacting. It is one of the courses that almost all of the Universities here in Thailand compete for excellence. Last time I checked, I think Chulalongkorn University is ranked as top 1 in Engineering here in Thailand and I am currently studying there. My parents wanted me to pursue Economics before but I really wanted to take up Engineering. It was hard trying to convince them, but later on they let me take up the path I want to choose.

Today, I dressed as casual as possible since it is very humid right now. I grabbed my keys and went straight down to the parking lot of this condominium and drove to the University. The university is just somewhat near from my condominium, and I really wanted that to be walkable since it is really helpful when I forget something in my unit. I also go there during my vacant classes to take a nap or to take a shower rather than waiting in the university grounds. In this kind weather? No thanks.

I can see some students roaming around the university and I'm guessing some of them, if not all, are freshmen students familiarizing themselves inside the campus. Well, to be a first year is very hard when you don't know your directions in the first day. Please don't be like me.

When I checked the bookstore, I was relieved that they are indeed open for today. Well it would've been a hassle if I came here for nothing. That's because I'm also here to buy some notebooks and other supplies for my subjects. 4th year semestral subjects are all majors just like from last sem. But it is more like branches of subjects that sprung from the recent subjects I have taken.

"Hi Win," a baritone voice jolted me from my own cloud which I notice that it came out from behind me. I immediately turned around and saw Bright smirking while carrying a basket that contains a notebook and, wait, a flashdrive keychain? Weird. I secretly laughed the thought in my mind as I shrugged his presence and once again focused on the notebooks I am looking earlier. Now, I regret why I went here.

His eyes are deep, always captivating. His nose and prominent jawline screams perfection and his lips, forming an intricately balanced shape that makes your heart flutter when it curves into a smile. Bright always radiates a certain warmth that makes me want to cringe and hiss at myself. His presence makes me want to punch his face.

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