Chapter 7: Sunsets and Polaroids

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Saturday came fast and I barely even forget about it but Bright always kept on reminding me. I just told him to pick me up since I'm too lazy to drive and he agreed.

Right now I still have things to do. I cleaned my room first, arranged my things, and charted my academic track so that I will not forget my requirements in every subject I am taking. Well, it's not that I'm making myself busy so that I could forget that I am really excited to see Bright tonight. I repeat myself, I am not excited! :)

When it is a weekend, I usually come home and stay there to be with my mom and dad. But since I have to go somewhere tonight, I need to call my mom and remind her that I'll be somewhere.

My mom and dad actually are business-minded people and I really look up to them because of that. Well actually, my mom before was really into designing and procuring clothes and other apparels. It was her dream to be in the fashion industry, with which Thailand is known for. And ever since dad knew about that, mom always had dad's support all throughout her journey.

The textile and apparel industry in Thailand is proficient in producing fabric, sportswear, casualwear, kidswear and womenswear. The force behind the industry lies in the cluster of the country's textile sector, making it one of the few countries to handle all aspects from production, design and sale to home textiles. Thailand is a world-renowned silk producer and also produces spin or twist yarn. The country excels in eco-friendly finishing, dyeing, and printing services which meet global standards.

When they've decided to put up a business that mainly focuses on textiles and apparels even before I wasn't born yet, I can feel that they are really passionate about it and I'm happy that my parents like what they are doing. That's why they basically agreed with the course I wanted to take because that's the field I wanted to pursue and they know that I'll be happy about it because it is where I am passionate about.

My dad also owns a small firm that actually focuses on construction supplies and the mobility of construction machines. It is where I actually got my fascination in the field of engineering that's why my dad became happy about it after they both agreed because he's sure that I can manage it sooner or later.

And now, even they are really busy sometimes to the point that they're not at home, we always make sure that when it is weekends, it should be a family day so that we can always catch up. And it's okay for me because I know that they are really happy because of what they do and they also want me to maintain the lifestyle we now have.

"Hi mom!" I greeted happily as she answered my facetime call. I can also see dad waving in the background and it made me laugh because he's really cute when he does that every time I call them.

"Hello Win! How are you?" It's not like I haven't seen them for too long but it makes me happy because they always check up on me when they have time.

"I'm fine mom. Sorry I can't go home since I need to go somewhere and I have to finish an assignment," I said as I see dad sitting beside my mom. They look exhausted but at least they are at home now and they have time to rest from their work.

"It's okay honey. Your dad and I just came home last night from a business trip in Chiang Mai. It was tiring, really." She said and I can sense the exhaustion in her voice.

"You should rest now, mom, dad." I gave them a cheerful smile and they smiled back at me.

"Yes Win, take care there okay? Just tell us if you need anything." My dad said and it made me chuckle. I need a boyfriend dad!

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