"Please tell me Minseok, I need her okay? She's hasn't woken up for 3 days! I'm dying every second"

*sighs* "Jongdae, I'm sorry to tell you this b-"


You woke up as your voice was weak, Chen suddenly came towards you and kissed you passionately.


A smile was across your face to see him hovering over you, you looked at him with his red tired puffy eyes.

"Why haven't you slept?"

"Because I wanted to be the first that you'll see when you wake up"

"Sweet, now please go wash up and have something to eat then you can sleep next to me"

Chen nodded and made his way to the bathroom, while you looked at you cousin Xiumin.

"How long are you going you keep it from him? It's going to kill him when he finds out that you're already gone and he didn't get to say goodbye"

"I'll tell him, just please don't say anything"

"You've got two days _______ if you don't tell him, I will he needs to know"

"I know......I'll tell him today, how long do I have left?"

"2 weeks maybe less, look ______ I love you, you're the only family I have besides Halmeoni >Grandma< and Chen"

"I know....I know"

"I'll go grab something for us to eat"


Your POV

Xiumin left and I sit up while fidgeting with my fingers as I felt tears going down my cheek.


I was on my day off and decided to hang with Xiumin since it was his day off too and it had been a while since I saw my cousin.

"So how you been?"

"Good and you?"


We were talking about what's been on in our lives when I felt a sharp pain in my head giving me a major headache but before I reached for my bag to get the tablets all I see is darkness. I woke up on a hospital bed while Xiumin next to me had red eyes.

"Yah why are you crying?"

"I don't want to loose you"

"What do you mean?"

The doctor came in and told me about why I had the headaches and pain.

"A brain tumour?"

"Yes, I hate to inform you Ms ______ we could give you treatment if yo-"

"Do you have any tablets?"

"Yes, but that won't save you"

"I just want those that's it"


"Xiumin, please don't tell Chen arraso? Promise me"

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