Baekhyun~I Love You

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"I'm done with you" She looked at my me with a straight face, no reaction, no nothing. My heart was slowly ripping out of my chest. Does she even care that this is happening?

"okay" she replied and walked away. My heart broke even more as the steps she was taking...was this really the only option for us? 

"So you're really giving up on us?" I shout to her having my focus on my shoes

"What?" She shouted back at me. 

"Are you really giving up? Doesn't this affect you? Do you actually love me?" I heard her footsteps stop and as I look up her gaze was already on me. He lips were pressed together as if she was holding the thing she was about to say.


I tried not to cry. I don't want to look stupid but I was already starting to. Damn Baek why you have to do this to me. His eyes were glued onto me. Me giving up?...No I'm just tired of all this fighting that's been happening the past week. I don't feel loved anymore we've grown apart so what's the point. 

"did you just ask that question baek?" my voice broke. Damn really 

"Did you actually asked if I actually love you?" I said my voice becoming more aggressive. his eyes went wide. 

"I love you, you idiot...I'll always love you but this....this ca-" before I could even finish my sentence. He pressed his soft lips onto mine. I didn't even notice how close he was to me. Why do I love this guy? Maybe because he made me feel beautiful when I wasn't up to it or he had seen me when I felt invisible to the world or maybe because he's my first love.....

"this can work......"he whispered hugging me until I felt like I couldn't breathe

"I love you" 

"then why you breaking up with me?" I ask 

"Baby, I can't let you go.......I need you and I love you so much" 

"then why?" 

"Because I thought you would be better off without me" I hit him hard on the chest 

"How many times do I have to tell you!" 

"I know....." 


"I know" 


"Really" he whispers "Be my girlfriend?" I push him away 

"Nah, sorry....I'm already taken" 

"By Who? He whined "______ don't play games now" He said behind me "I love you" 

"I love you too idiot" I murmur 


I know not the greatest but I hoped you guys liked it, sorry for the delays of everything. I've been away for a while and I'm so sorry for not updated but please understand that once you're in year 12 all it is, is work! ugh omfg! ALSO I am so happy about EXO comeback in June...I am so excited!! Anyways hope you guys are doing fine! I've missed you guys so much! 


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