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"why dont you just leave?" He shouted towards me with everyone starring at me. I fist clench "Don't cry" I say in my head looking down towards my feet, why is he so angry with me? what did I do wrong? I didnt say a word. I just felt my feet walking away from him. if this what he wants me to leave then I shall do it. Kim Joon Myeon aka best friend/Neighbour since I've been 2 and him being year older then me making him 3. why do I feel as if 15 years of friendship just went down the drain, I just continued to walk through the house before I make it out of the veranda and I exhale out and look up trying to hold my tears in, why does it hurt? why does it matter as long as he's happy on his birthday.


"why is she even here??" asked Hyorin.

"Because she's my best friend" I say to my girlfriend for two years and she only just rolls her eyes, I look towards Miyu walk towards me with a present in her arms. She smiles while she hands over the gift

"Happy Birthday Myeeeeeon" she said so happily which makes me smile. She looked towards Hyorin

"Hello Hyorin" She smiles but yet Hyorin doesnt give her a response.

"I'll put this on the present table, just wait for a minute" I say before leaving her with my girlfriend.

"SUHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I hear someone cry as I put the gift onto the table, I immediately make my way when I see Hyorin crying.

"She hit me" She cried, I look to who she was pointing to.

"Miyu" I mumured, her eyes went wide, No Miyu would never.

"I always knew you liked Suho but he's mine you little bitch, so you slapped me"

"Why would I like Suho? I've known him for the longest time plus I know he has you, You stupid slut" My heart dropped and everyone was as shocked as I was "Why would I like Suho" kept repeating in my head.

"I have no reason to slap you either why would I waste my energy o-"

"why dont you just leave?" I shouted towards her, everyones reactions were in shock, I look at Miyu and she doesn't say anything

"You dont belong here anyways" Hyorin say, I watch as she leaves and I look at her fist clenched, "Why would I like Suho?" I look away "Whats wrong with me?"


"Miyu" I hear a voice behind me that startles me, I turn and my gaze lands on Kris one of Suho's friends

"Kris, Hey" I smile a bit

"Are you okay?" He says gently, most people are afraid of Kris but to tell you he's probably the most goofiest giants you'll ever know.

"I'm good" I nod when I felt Kris' hand latch on to mine "Your body language says differently" he says. What is that suppose to mean? Kris caress my hand making me calm down a bit when I feel a hand also on my cheek, "its okay to cry now" he spoke softly before engulfing me into a hug....Why do I feel so hurt? its just Suho



nothing is worst when you havent spoken to your best friend for two weeks let alone I miss her a lot too much, more then I should, My hearts been aching since my birthday that I'm begining to hate my birthday. No I actually do because it was the day I made the worst mistake of my life not only being born but literally telling my best friend to leave the one perso that has never left me....I can't help but think about her. Me and Hyorin broken up a couple days after my birthday finding her in the gym basically doing it with some dick from another school but funny thing was it didnt cause me any heartache for the bitch..not as much heartache as Miyu given but its my fault.

"has anyone seen Kris? He's missed a few basketball trainings" Tao spoke with food in his mouth

"he's been with his girl lately" Luhan said before shoving a rice ball in his mouth

"he has a girlfriend?" I asked out of curiosity

"yeah it's Miyu" Sehun said

"WHAT?" I yelled without noticing getting everyones attention.

Is this why she said what she said at my birthday? why does it hurt so much what she thinks about me. I recount the times she had said at times while we were growing up.

"Myeeeeeon you look so bad in that shirt" her laugher was all I heard, that was my new shirt that I had gotten especially for her....I had look down but she lifted my chin "I was joking Myeoooon don't think to much...its cute for you"

"this one?" I asked picking up the blue shirt. She shook her head "the purple one" she pointed out. "I was thinking the same"

"whooooooooa" she said laughing "you hair bowl cut so funny" she continued to laugh "but its cute for you Myeonnn" my heart fluttered and for one reason only because of Miyu....

I remembered when she had her first kiss, I didn't talk to her for a month, I never knew who she kissed nor I never needed to know or more wanted to know. She came all dazed. I was hurt that I wasn't her first...still am...I wanted her to be mine and me hers but I guess you can't get what you wanted.

"Suho!" someone shouted my name and I came back to my senses


two weeks.....that's how long its been and I stil can't figure out why I'm still hurt...I havent cried since that day although I felt a little at ease since Kris helped me cry out. I've been avoiding Suho making sure that I was awake before him and home later then him, I've been tryig to study but he's been all but in my mind....I miss him but I guess he doesnt care why should he? he wanted me to leave so I did..its what he wanted.....right?

"Hey Mimi" I glance up to Kris....he's missing practice again? I feel bad

"Hey Yifan" I greeted

"Yah, dont call me should respect your elders" He said sternly only to cause me to laugh

"sorry old man" I continued to laugh

"I'm only a year older then you peasant" He snickered, I hold my stomach trying to control my laughter...

"studying again?"

"missing practice again?" I look at him and he smiles

"Yeah maybe"

"aren't the basketball team gonna worry?" I asked him and he shook his head

"not really besides I rather be with you" He muttered before writing notes down. I kept looking at Kris, I've known him maybe two to three years less then I've known Suho...Kris has been perfect all his life, his features and his grades....though that was until I found him crying.


"K-Kris?" I said while I go him while he cried "what's wrong?" I say tilting my head to the side

"I made my mum cry......I hit her too hard for her to manage......shes also sick, I'm so scared to loosing her" He clutches on to me and accidentally kisses me. We look each other while our cheeks tints red.

"just be good to your mum before she goes Kris...make she leaves peacefully and happy" He nods before I quickly tried to make an escape but he grabs me.

"Sorry about stealing your first kiss" He said softly "But I'm glad you're my first"

[End Of Flashback]

"awe why are your cheeks so red mimi" He said with a smile "maybe thinking about me inappropriately" he teased

"shut up old man" he chuckled, why does my beat so fast around him? the bell chimed and we gathered our things before heading to go to lunch..I warn Kris that I'll be going to the my locker. He nods and goes to the cafe, I make my way to cafe only to see Suho pulling Kris' shirt.


what just happened?

To Be Continued


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