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OMFGGGGG YES THANK YOU SO MUCH 30K+ READS?!?! THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE THIS IS AMAZING!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I'm so sorry for my laziness and inactiveness >o< just been busy and all :D 


⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) here's a Kai Imagine for you all <3 



"Will you just listen to me" he uttered behind me clutching my wrist. Once I got a glance at him everything went into slow motion.

This is not how it's suppose to be.

I am not suppose to feel

especially for him

Not Him.

I'm not suppose to love him.

But like every other girl in this school...

I fell for him hopelessly


I fell hard.

Just in the minimal time of two weeks of me tutoring him.

-Two Weeks Ago-

I waited impatiently for whom, my student. Though he is quite new for me. But just like other bad boys with cocky attitudes he got sent straight to me. I didn't want this but the school offered me extra points to tutor the one and only Kim Jongin aka Kai. I don't really take notice of him let alone he's just a playboy that will be completely useless in my life. But hey I want top grades.

The door opened. my head shot up to see him smirk. I roll my eyes.

"So how do you want to do  it?" I asked him and he comes towards the table that I am sitting at.

"Okay, Firstly......I would like to be up to date with my math studies" My jaw dropped and I gaze to him.

"WHAT?" I say "Did you just say you want to be up to date?" I gape at him and he just smiles at me.

He's smiling

to me

what the hell?

"I want to start with my math studies" He grabs a heap of books. I stared at him.


She just stared at me. I know it shocked her but does she really know me? rumours and stupid things surrounding me. I'm not who she thinks I am. Why do I care so much about her? She's not your average girl. I knew that from the second grade, She had helped me through maths. I fell for her in a instant but obviously who couldn't. She was the very first girl to help me...she was like an angel. So close but yet so far..then throughout the years I watched her from afar. I became more popular just for her but it didn't work. She was always in her own little bubble. I missed talking to her in our math class. The popular I got the more rumours and all became this bad boy image and it made her distant herself from me even more so I lived up to my reputation and everything........even with all those other tutors they couldn't take my cockiness and ignorance which lands me to her. I knew they will send me to her.

"okay but before we start" she speaks


"If you're late ever again....I won't tutor you...J don't need your cockiness around me"

"Okay, you have my word"

"Alright" she said as I nod and focus on my books.

This happened every Thursdays after school and the more I was with her the more that I fell for her the only girl that had my heart from the beginning.

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