Chapter 30

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Thursday, December 18th
Marcel's House

I pulled up into Marcel's driveway and turned the car off. I was so happy to pick up the kids, it was lonely at home without them.

I went and rang the doorbell, and Marcel answered with Karina right behind him.

"Hi baby girl. Mommy missed you." I said as I bent down to get a hug from her.

She smiled and playfully hid shy behind her daddy.

"No hug for mama?" I said and pretending to cry.

She laughed and came running to me and gave me the tightest hug she could give.

I stood back up and walked in the house.

"Are the kids ready?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah.. just about. Just have to get TJ ready. Everyone is in the family room." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ok." I said simply and started walking to the family room with Karina holding my finger and walking with me.

"Karina go in the family room with your brother and sisters let me talk to mommy ok?" He said.

"Ok dada." She said and wobbled away.

"What is it Marcel?" I asked.

"Can you come back to me? Please. I miss my kids, my family. Please don't take them away from me again. Believe it or not you guys are my peace. I'm telling you I've changed these past 4 months. You leaving me in that hospital bed made me realize I had actually fucked up." He said.

"You been fucked up. I mentally checked out of this relationship long ago. I still loved you but I tried to make it work for the kids, but once my family got threatened, that was it for me. I'm not losing more kids, and I'm not risking having another wedding day ruined." I said holding back tears.

"I gave my life to you Marcel. All I wanted was for you to love me, get out the streets, and come be with your family. We moved to Nevada to start over but instead you brought your thug life with you." I said.

"Baby let me prove to you that I've changed seriously. I'll even find a way to make some clean money for the family. I'll invest in some properties. Maybe even build houses and sell them or rent them out." He said sounding genuine.

"Marcel-" I started but he cut me off.

"I'll leave the street life for good Jada I'm not going back. I promise you I stopped after you left. No more hoes, cheating, lying, hitting you, all of that. I just wanna love my wife and be with my kids. Jada baby I might not have been the man you wanted me to be, and I know it's past the time to even think about changing, but there's no one else out there for me. There's no one else that would of put up with my shit, especially for this long. Let me finally give you the life you deserve baby it's long overdue I know, but I love you J. I'm lost without you." He said and I started crying.

"Marcel how do I know you're serious this time?" I said whiling crying.

He took a small box out of his back pocket and got on one knee.

I let out a gasp and started crying harder.

"I know this is like the third or fourth time I'm doing this but, let me show that this time is different. Marry me Jada. For real. Let me give you the wedding and the life you want. I know I keep asking for chances but I swear to you this is the last time. Say yes and from now on baby the only tears that will come out of your eyes are tears of joy. I swear on my own life, crossing my heart, that I will finally be the man you want and need baby. Just come back to me. Let me show you. I love you." He said and I continued to cry.

"Marcel I can't come back." I said.

"Then let me come to you. We'll start our new life wherever you are baby I promise. Just our family nobody else. No drugs, no threats, no street life, no cheating, no lying. Baby I love you and it's time for me to finally show you. I've done you wrong for far too long. I know I'm not deserving of even a conversation but I'm glad you even speak to me and let me even see the kids for my birthday. Please baby... one more chance." He said with his voice cracking a little.

I thought about everything that's happened since I met him. Then I thought about the kids.

"Marcel... this is the last chance. You have ONE more chance Marcel." I said.

I kneeled and cried as he put the ring on my finger for like the 50th time.

I just hope I was making the right decision.

"I'm gonna back only what I need and I'll be on the next flight with you and the kids." He said and I nodded.

I continued to look at the ring. It was a new one. I can't believe I said yes after not wanting to even get married 4 months ago.

I know I probably sounded dumb saying yes again, but this is my family. And I put up with everything this long. I just hope Marcel is consistent and as genuine as he just sounded.

As he went upstairs to go get only what he needed, Sanai came to me and saw the ring on my finger.

"Are you daddy getting back together?" She asked with hope in her eyes.

I smiled at how genuine and hopeful her question sounded. I know the kids need their daddy and a stable family, and I just hope to give it to them this time around.

"Yes we are sweet heart." I said and she smiled and hugged me.

"Daddy won't hurt you anymore mama, I can tell." She said and I cried silently. My baby girl knew exactly what was going on between us but the fact that she was so certain about it now, gave me hope.

Once all the kids were ready and Marcel got his things, we all headed to the airport without looking back.

We were headed home, as a family. I just hoped everything would be the way it's suppose to be this time.
End of chapter 💕

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