Chapter 8

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Friday, April 4th

I woke up to Marcel trying to bring me breakfast. It was honestly annoying.

The day I brought the divorce papers back he just looked at them and refused to sign them. It was so frustrating. It's been two months almost three and it's still the back and forth with him.

Even ivory found out what's going on and encouraged him to sign the papers once I sat down and talked with her about everything.

Since that day I told him I wanted a divorce and showed up home with the papers, he's been trying real hard everyday to fix things and honestly I don't care. I've still been going out like I want and caring for my kids without needing him.

Only reason I'm living in this house still is because it wouldn't make sense for me to get a new house just yet. And I want to stay here and have him go. So they kids can keep their rooms. I refuse to leave them.

I've also been sleeping in the guest room with Ivory. Or sometimes I slept at Kailee's. I forgave her for what happened that day.

"Happy Birthday my love." He said coming in with the tray of breakfast.

The kids were at school they woke me before they left to tell me happy birthday since ivory hasn't been just dropping them off and picking them up.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes and pushed him out my way with the tray still in his hand.

I went into the bathroom and did my daily hygiene routine and then went into the old bedroom I was in to get an outfit for today.

I was going out with Kailee for breakfast and then we were going out for drinks later tonight.

"Jada you can't keep ignoring me and we're in the same house." Marcel said, coming in.

"Sign the divorce papers so we don't have to be in the same house and I can ignore you all I want." I said and he sighed.

"Can't you see I'm trying? I've been trying every single day these past two months. And I'm not going to stop trying. But you gotta give me some way to get back to you. It's like I'm throwing a beach wall at a brick wall trying to get the beach ball to break the bricks down." He said.

"I don't care what you're doing. Keep your beach ball and sign the papers." I said and he came closer to me.

"Jada please. I'm not gonna stop trying. Listen, I have something planned for us later. Show you how much you really mean to me." He said.

"I'm not participating in anything you have planned for me. The greatest birthday gift you could give to me right now is signing them divorce papers and getting the fuck out." I said to him.

I sounded so cold to him, like all love I had for him just went out the door. But I swear I loved him I just didn't want to be his wife anymore and I mean that.

"Jada don't be so cold to me. Where'd all the love go? If there's an ounce of love left that you have for me just please... have lunch with me if you don't wanna participate in what I have planned later. Just give me some type of time with my wife.... please? You just handed the divorce papers to me and then shut me out like we don't live in the same house and have five kids together." He said and I looked at him for a moment.

"Lunch. Nothing more. Nothing less. I don't wanna hear no gushy shit about how you feel and how sorry you are and how much you love me because I will leave. Got it?" I asked and he just nodded.

"If that's what it'll take for you to just have lunch with me, then fine. I just want my time with you." He said.

"Yeah whatever. Look I gotta get dressed I'm going out for breakfast." I said walking past him with my outfit.

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