Chapter 28

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Saturday, August 16th
Summerlin Hospital Medical Center

Bria held me as I stood there looking at an unconscious Marcel. His body still suffered severe trauma, even though they were able to get the bullet out. He didn't look so well, like his body was lifeless.

"Bria I told him don't go. It was Cam's birthday. I'm so mad at him but he's hurt and I feel bad for being mad. It's tearing me up inside." I said and started sniffling on her shoulder.

"It's ok to be upset Jada. Marcel was always so stubborn. But he'll be ok they got the bullet out." She said.

"How will this effect our family? We're gonna have to move AGAIN if they didn't get that guy. And where is Darius? There's so many questions. Bria what about the wedding?" I said letting out a huge sigh.

Being with Marcel stresses me out so much. Did I even wanna get married at this point? Five kids later and he's still living this dangerous lifestyle. I was promised a better life when we moved here and it feels like I haven't even gotten it yet. Yes we live in a nice house and have great kids but there's still stress.

Over the years, there's been so much cheating, so much lying, trapping, moving, hiding, trauma, and I don't think I can take it anymore.

I was in deep thought when Bria snapped me out of it.

"You wanna wait here for him to wake up or do you wanna go home and come back?" She asked.

"I'll wait for him to wake up." I said lowly.

I haven't taken my eyes off of him since I've gotten here. I've been through so much I felt numb, depressed, and upset.

"Ok I'll be here with you. But Jada look at me." Bria said.

I refused to look her direction, but kept looking at Marcel.

She gently took my chin, and turned me to her.

"Jada, I know you're not ok. Talk to me." She said.

"I don't think I wanna get married." I confessed and cried again.

She didn't say anything she just held me.

I cried for at least 30 minutes before going to sleep again.


Bria went to go get breakfast for us. I've thought long and hard about what I told Bria. And I was still sure I no longer wanted to get married.

I looked at my ring and admired it. It was beautiful, but it no longer felt right.

I thought about how I was going to tell Marcel that I was leaving him. I didn't know if it was the right time considering the fact that he's in the hospital.

I wanted to tell him that I'd be moving and taking the kids with me. I contemplated on if I should tell him where I'd be moving to, I didn't want to risk him bringing danger and trauma where I am again. But I wanted him to see his kids.

Maybe I could bring the kids to him and pick them up. I thought to myself.

I knew it might have been fucked up how I was thinking at a time like this, but I literally couldn't take the trauma anymore.

Bria came back with breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin' Donuts as I continued to look at my ring.

"What's on your mind J?" She asked.

"I wanna move with the kids and cancel the wedding." I said still looking at the ring I was about to give up.

"You sure that's what you wanna do and not just the anger talking?" She asked making sure I was sure.

"Yes, positive. I can't take it anymore Bria." I said as I looked at her while she passed me my sandwich.

"Ok, if that's what you wanna do, I fully support. You know as long as you're happy." She said and I gave a weak smile.

It was no longer the anger, I really wanted to leave Marcel. I thought I wanted to stay but him ending up in the hospital made me realize it was just for the kids.

I gave my life to this person but it was time to let it go.

As Bria and I were eating, we saw Marcel wake up.

As his eyes slowly opened, he looked around and then landed eyes on Bria and I.

Once he saw me he smiled, I gave a weak smile back.

"Baby. You're here." He said with his voice deep and raspy.

"Yeah." I said simply. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Like a got hit with a car full of bricks." He said and I looked at Bria and back at him.

"You want me to wait out in the hall?" Bria whispered to me.

"Please." I whispered back.

She nodded and then got up.

"Well I'll leave you two alone. Glad you're ok and your awake Marcel. Jada I'll call your mom." Bria said and walked out.

Marcel signaled for me to come over to him. I hesitated for a minute but I eventually went up to him.

"Jada, baby I'm so glad you're here. We found the guy but didn't realize he had people undercover for him." He said starting to explain.

"Where Darius?" I asked first.

Marcel looked away and looked down, then looked back at me.

"He's dead. He got a head shot." Marcel said and I fought hard to hold back tears. I got teary but I managed to not shed one.

"Ok." Was all I said before going back to sit down but Marcel stopped me.

"Jada I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through. And I'm especially sorry for this. I should've listened and stayed home with our kids on our sons birthday." He said and I didn't look back at me.

"Why are you apologizing? Must've known I was going to leave you huh?" I asked simply trying to hold back anger and sadness.

"You're what?" He said trying to sit up but I quickly turned around to lay him back down.

"I'm leaving you Marcel. I don't wanna get married anymore. We can cancel the wedding and I'll move away with the kids." I said just ripping the bandaid off from now.

"No Jada, please. I know I fucked up by leaving but Jada baby please you can't leave me." He said pleading.

"I'm not gonna keep having this trauma and lifestyle around my kids. I'm leaving and I'm taking them with me Marcel, the wedding is off." I said and began to walk out.

"Baby please!" Marcel yelled.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him.

"I'm glad you're ok." I said and turned back around then walked out.
End of chapter. 💕
I'm dragging this book out but I've had EXTREME writers block y'all 😅. I hope to completely get back into it and finish this book for y'all.

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