Chapter 20

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Sunday, July 20th
The Villa

"Baby..." Marcel said shaking me slightly and waking me up.

"Yes?" I responded in a sleepy tone.

"Last night was awkward when everyone came in... let's go get some breakfast and spend the day together. I think we all need some couple time today." He said and I rolled over to face him.

"Yeah it was, but can we get breakfast in two hours? I'm really tired babe." I said whining.

"Noooo babe we leave tomorrow I wanna get as much time with you today as I possibly can." He said.

I was dozed off but he started to kiss all over my face until I woke up.

"Ok ok fine I'm up. Let's go get breakfast." I said and dragged myself out of bed.

We both showered and got dressed. Then soon we were out the door. I texted Bria that Marcel and I were spending the day together so she wasn't confused when she and Q woke up.

Marcel and I went to Bristrot Bali. We sat down and the waitress immediately greeted us.

"Can I start you guys off with drinks?" She asked smiling.

"I'll have the habana libre." I said and she nodded.

"I'll get the breakfast martini on the rocks." Marcel said. She nodded once more and went to go get our drinks.

"So what did you and Bria talk about yesterday? The house was real awkward last night." Marcel asked me.

"What did YOU and Q talk about? We aren't the only ones who made the house awkward." I said.

"I asked you first." He said.

"I answered your question with a question so answer my question." I said.

The waitress came with our drinks and took our order.

"I'll have the pain perdu, along with the eggs benedict and tarragon hollandaise." I said and she wrote it down.

"I'll get the blueberry ricotta pancake with the same thing she's having except for the pain perdu." Marcel said.

She nodded, writing down our orders and then walked away to put the order in.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" I asked him.

"Ok fine. He said Bria been nagging and they marriage been rocky and they fight a lot." He said trying to sum it up without giving too much detail.

"Did he say how they fight?" I asked.

"No... why?" He asked confused.

"Just asking." I said throwing my hands up in surrender.

"What did Bria tell you?" He asked.

"She said the same thing." I said keeping my answer short and simple.

"Hmmm... ok." He said, not seeming too convinced but left it alone.

It was silence for a few moments.

"I what did you tell Q?" I asked him.

"That our marriage been rocky and we're fixing it, that's why we're renewing our vows." He said and I looked at him for a moment.

We stared at each other until he finally gave in.

"I told him we both cheated. But we're working on things." He said.

"That's all you said?" I asked and he nodded.

I suddenly felt bad. I told Bria everything even though Marcel and I promised we'd keep it between ourselves. Especially the fact that I made him promise to keep it between us.

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