Chapter 25

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Saturday, August 2nd

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for the rest of my little crew after feeding Tj and Karina.

"Mommy can I have two pancakes instead of one?" Sanai asked.

"Since when did you get such an appetite?" I asked her jokingly and she smiled and shrugged.

"Are you going to eat it?" I asked her. She looked down for a minute.

"Nai, are you going to eat two pancakes? Along with your bacon and eggs?" I asked her once more.

"Yes mama." She said and sighed.

"If you don't eat it all then you can't go on your tablet today." I said to her sternly but not too harsh.

"Ok mommy." She said and I smiled and kissed her forehead.

I made her plate and set it in front of her. I made sure to make the pancakes small enough for her because I knew if they were any bigger she wouldn't eat it. She's just thinking off of her hunger right now.

I then but some eggs and two pieces of bacon on a plate for Ava, she didn't like pancakes.

Lastly, I made Cam's plate. I only gave him one pancake though.

After everyone was settled I made my plate and sat at the table with them.

Shortly after, Marcel came downstairs.

"So no breakfast for daddy?" Marcel chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.

"Daddy wasn't around when mommy wasn't making the plates." I said jokingly to him.

He playfully flicked my forehead and kissed Ava who was right next to him.

"Can daddy have a piece of bacon?" He asked Ava. She shook her head and held her bacon close to her chest.

"Here daddy you can have a piece of mine." Nai came over and gave him a piece of her bacon.

"Ava you mad at daddy today? Wassup?" He asked her and started tickling her and she started laughing.

"Staawwwp." She said giggling as he tickled her.

"Ok ok Marcel get your plate and sit down." I said laughing at their silliness.

Marcel stopped tickling Ava and got his plate, then joined us at the table.

We all ate and Marcel washed the dishes as I took the kids to the family room for a little.

Sanai wanted to go in the pool so I put her in her bathing suit and floaters and we went. Eventually Marcel and the rest of the gang joined us outside.

As I playing with Nai in the pool, my phone rang.

Marcel looked at it and handed it to me.

"Private number." He said.

"I know who it is. Pass it." I said to him. He raised an eyebrow at me but handed me the phone anyway.

I got out of pool and answered the phone.

"Yo..." I answered while drying off and holding the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"I'll be there Tuesday. Around 3." The person said.

I looked at the kids to make sure they were good with Marcel. I saw him look at me as I walked in the house.

"Private jet? Or riding on a regular plane?" I asked.

"Private jet. You know ion like people." The person said.

"Ok. Text me the info about your flight and I'll text you where to meet me."

"Copy. See you then." They said.

"See you." I said and we hung up.

I went back outside to the pool area. Marcel walked up to me but stood sideways so that we can see the kids.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it. It's business." I said.

"Jada." He said sternly.

"Don't worry about Marcel. It's business." I said.

"Did you call someone about the situation?" He asked.

"I said don't worry about it. We'll talk about this later." I said to him.

"Fine." He said and we went back to playing with the kids in the pool.

When I was pregnant with Sanai, I told Marcel I'd be in the streets just like he was.. I wasn't kidding. And now that my store has been messed with and temporarily put a small dent in my bag, I have a problem. Especially since my family and I have been threatened.


The kids were all asleep and I gave Ivory a call.

"hello?" Her soft voice answered.

"Hey ivory!" I said happily.

"Hey Jada! What's up how's it going?" She asked.

"Everything is good. How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good I'm good. Is there anything you need?" She asked.

"Yes, is it not too late to ask you to start working again tomorrow?" I asked her with hopes that she'd yes.

"sure, that's no problem. I wasn't doing anything anyway. What time did you want me there?" She asked.

"Whenever you could get here. I know you don't usually work weekends I usually see you again on Mondays. But until further notice I'm gonna need you as much as possible. You don't mind staying here right?" I explained to her.

"Not at all, I've stayed there before. There shouldn't be a problem now even with a change in schedule." She said.

"Thank you, you're a savior." I said. "I'll see you tomorrow." I added.

"Alrighty! See you tomorrow." She responded and I hung up the phone.

For the rest of the night, Marcel didn't bring up my little private phone call earlier. But instead we just relaxed together until we eventually drifted off to sleep.

With Ivory working here almost 24/7 with the kids, I could finally handle business and get my family out of harms way.... even if it costs me my own life.
Short update 💕

If you haven't yet, check out my new book Rider. The first four chapters are up 🙃.

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