Chapter 29

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Thursday, December 11th
Marcel's House

It's been 4 months since I made the decision to leave Marcel. I haven't been answering the phone since I left and I managed to get a house for my kids and I. I built a store in my city and things have been going ok. I'm just glad my kids are in a better situation. It's been hard taking care of my kids by myself and running a business but I'm doing it.

I've also disconnected from everyone, except my mom. It's nothing personal. I just wanted a complete fresh start.

But, today is Marcel's birthday. So I decided that even though I left him and haven't been answering his calls, I'll surprise him for his birthday by showing up to Nevada with his kids.

"You guys ready to see daddy?" I asked the kids.

They all seemed excited, but TJ was asleep.

I breathed deeply as we pulled up to the house. I looked at Marcel's car still in the driveway, but I didn't see anyone else's. But then again I didn't expect him to have a party anyway.

I got everyone out of the car and to the front door. I took another deep breath and rang the doorbell since I left my key on the bed the day I left him.

As the door opened my heart sunk deeper and deeper.

"Jada! Oh my god. Baby your back! Why haven't you been answering my calls? Where the hell have you been? WHY would you leave me?!" He asked questions quickly.

"Marcel just say hi to your kids. They're here for you on your birthday." I said and handed TJ to him as the others walked.

"All I wanted for my birthday was my family. And I have that. I don't need anything more." He said and I side and walked inside then closed the door.

"Their bags are in the car, they can stay with you for the next week since I took them away for so long without any contact." I said and he sighed.

"Jada can we please talk? You ran out that hospital room so fast and I haven't been the same since." He said and I sighed.

"Sanai take your brother and sisters to the family room." I said and she nodded.

Marcel and I sat on the living room couch as he continued to hold TJ.

"What do you wanna talk about Marcel?" I asked him already knowing the answer but not wanting to talk about it.

"Us Jada. I still wanna get married. I wanna prove to you that I can be the man you want me to be. Baby I haven't been the same since you left. I'm not even in the game anymore. I've been living off what I've been saving for years since the day I met you. I haven't had any hoes over nor in my phone. J I want you to come back home to me, please." Marcel said.

"I don't wanna get married Marcel. It's been too much trauma with you. I've experience it more than an average person. All the cheating, all the lies, all the times spent at hospitals, all the running, the hiding, the fighting, I'm done I can't do it." I said shaking my head.

"Baby I've changed, for you, I promise." He said with soft eyes.

"You need more than 4 months to change with all that trauma you caused in my life. I literally gave my life to you. I've been raped dealing with you and your drug life, I've been cheated on many times, I've had my two first borns killed on my wedding day, the constant moving with you, my own store I've worked so hard for just burnt to the ground because of your stupid drug life, and my family getting threatened on top of all that? No thanks. Then you getting shot on our sons birthday? No Marcel. I can't do it I'm sorry." I said and he shed a few tears.

"I wanna be the right man for you Jada, let me just have one more Chance, one. I know I always say that but I mean it this time." He said sincerely.

"If you wanted to be the right man for me you would've shaped up before putting a ring on my finger in the first place." I said starting to get up.

"I have a plane to catch. Like I said you have the kids for a week. I'll be back to pick them up when it's time." I added and walked into the family room saying my goodbyes to my babies.

I kissed a sleeping TJ in Marcel's arms.

I looked at Marcel as he looked at me with sad eyes and I looked at him with disappointed eyes and began walking out the front door to go to my car.

"I love you Jada! I'm gonna prove my life to you girl!" He said and I rolled my eyes and pulled out of the driveway.

I just hope nothing happens to my babies while I'm away.

I made my way to the airport to go home, making a mental note to call the kids when I did.
End of chapter 💕

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