Chapter 23

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Thursday, July 31st

I was woken up to the doorbell ringing. Marcel and I slept in a little late today since we spent all night last night wedding planning and flirting like teenagers.

I slipped out of Marcel's arms and threw on my robe and slippers then made my way downstairs.

I went to open the door and was immediately tackled by Sanai and her siblings.

"Mommyyyyyy!" I heard them yelling and kissing my endlessly while I was kneeling to hug them back.

"Hiiiiii my babies! Oh mommy missed you guys so much!" I said.

I saw as Karina wobbled to me, and Mia had Tj in her hands with Carmelo by her side.

"Guys give your mommy some room so she can give her other baby and your cousin some love." Mia said and they stopped hugging me.

"Where dada?" Cameron asked.

"Upstairs still asleep. Why don't you and your sisters go wake him?" I said and him, Ava, and Sanai cheesed and their small selves made their way up the stairs.

"Carmeloooo! How's my favorite nephew?" I asked Carmelo. Even though Mia and I were cousin we did treat each other's kids like our nieces or nephew.

He waved shyly. Which I understood since we haven't seen each other in a while.

"Can auntie get a hug?" I asked him.

He smiled as I kneeled down and he hugged me.

I stood back up to take Tj from Mia.

"My baby." I said in a baby voice. "Mommy missed you the most! Did you have fun with auntie Mia?" I asked him as if he could respond.

Mia came in and closed the door and set Tj's car seat on the living room couch and she took a seat next to it, sitting Carmelo and Karina on her lap.

"Girl how come you didn't answer your phone? I called you like a dozen times before I pulled up." Mia said.

"I'm sorry, Marcel and I had a late night last night with wedding planning." I said as I rocked Tj slightly while in my arms.

"You guys sure you don't want any help with wedding planning? You guys have five kids in the house again. I have no problem helping. And you have your store to check on. Mina and I could help. Even Bria." Mia said sounding concerned and wanting to help.

"Honestly.. you're right. That'd be great. Thank you." I said.

She smiled simply and she turned her attention to Karina and Carmelo.

Moments later, Marcel came downstairs with Sanai, Ava, and Cameron. As soon as Carmelo saw Marcel, he slid of Mia's lap. Carmelo loved Marcel.

"Heyyy Carmie! You missed your uncle Mar?!" He said picking him up and swinging him playfully while he laughed.

Mia and I watched in aw at their relationship.

As soon as Marcel put him down, Carmelo and Cameron began to play games with each other.

"Hey Marcel." Mia said smiling and they hugged. Marcel then took Karina from her.

"Hey Mia. And heyyy daddy's princess." Marcel said the last part to Karina and tickled her as she laughed.

"So Mia, are you staying for a while? Or are you heading back now?" I asked her.

"Gonna head out in a few actually. Carmelo's dad is waiting back at home for us. Gonna spend the rest of the day together when we get back." She said and I smiled.

"Aww okay. Wish you could stay." I said pouting and she pouted also.

"I know, but I'll call when I get home okay?" She reassured me and I nodded.

She hugged me with Tj in my arms and kissed my cheek and his forehead.

"Carmelo come on honey." Mia said.

"Kids say goodbye to Mia." I said and they went to hug her and Karina reached out for her.

We all said our goodbyes and they left.

I knew I'd be calling Ivory soon though. Mia was right, Marcel and I have five kids and have to plan a wedding and I have my store to worry about. And Marcel still has some people handling his situation of being accused he says.

Tj was asleep in my arms. This boy could sleep I tell you, he's always asleep but what can you really do being this small.

I went to go put him upstairs in his crib in his room while Marcel occupied the rest of the kids.

I came back downstairs to see them all playing. It absolutely melted my heart and I could tell Marcel missed the kids a lot.

"Did you guys eat recently?" I asked Sanai when I got down the stairs.

"Yes. Mia stop at McDonald's on the way here." She said and I nodded.

"What about Karina and Tj?" I asked her.

"Yes they ate too." She said and I nodded.

I had the baby monitor on in case Tj woke up, but other than that, Marcel, the kids, and I were all in the family room enjoying our time. They were showing us all this new stuff they got as Karina wobbled everywhere just enjoying our company.

I missed my little family. Right now seemed so therapeutic and I think Marcel and I needed our kids to come back. I think we're both glad they came back when they did.
Short chapter but I wanted to FINALLY give you guys a chapter update after like 10 years 😩.

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