Chapter 13

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Sunday, June 29th
Pueblo Park

I decided to go for a run around 11, I needed to clear my head. I woke up with what happened replaying over and over in my head.

Marcel was really cheating on me for a year and some months and I didn't even know. I thought to myself as the music played in my ears from my AirPods.

I got tired from running so I just walked. I was thinking about my personal trainer but he moved away. So it was going to be hard finding someone else.

As I was walking I felt tears about to form in my eyes but I fought against it. I was done crying. Even if he hasn't been cheating since the divorce threat, it's the fact that I was getting cheated on before that and didn't know it.

I was so deep in my thoughts until I got stopped. I looked to see Kailee, so I paused my music.

"Heyyy Jada! How are you? How are things? Haven't seen or heard from you much." She said.

"I'm ok, things are still rocky but I'm getting through it. How about you?" I asked her dismissing the focus on me so she wouldn't ask what's going on.

"I'm good I'm good." She said and I looked over to the tall caramel dude that was standing next to her.

"Who's this?" I asked her.

"This is Reggie. A friend I met at the gym about a month ago. We decided to go for a run together this morning." She said.

"How you doing?" He asked me in how deep voice.

"I'm good. And yourself? I'm Jada by the way." I said and he took my hand and kissed it.

"The pleasure is all mine."'he said smiling at me.

I nearly melted but I kept my composure.

"What you guys doing today?" I asked Kailee.

"Eh, it was just a run. Unless all three of us hang out later?" She said and I looked at Reggie as he looked me.

"That's up to this beauty right here." He said biting his lip.

I smiled at him. "I don't mind." I said and our eyes never broke contact.

"Ok, my place?" Kailee asked and I nodded still not taking my eyes off of Reggie.

"Can I have your number?" He asked.

"Sure." I said and he handed me his phone to put his number in.

I handed it back to him and was about to go back to my car.

"Meet at your place around seven?" I asked Kailee.

"Sure." She said.

"I'll be there. Right on time." Reggie said to me licking his bottom lip.

"Ok cool. See you guys later." I said looking at the both of them.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way back to my car. As I got in, my phone went off.

~text convo~

Kailee: I saw how you were looking at him. Girlllll he fine ain't he?

Me: Yesss. You tryna get at him? Or can I have a little fun?

Kailee: Girl go for it. We just friends I like girls more lol.

Me: Yessss. Ok bet.

Kailee: what about your marriage?

Me: I'll talk to you about that later.

Kailee: ok.

As soon as put my phone down and started my car, my phone buzzed again.

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