Chapter 46

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"V!!" A young Umji yelled running quickly across the park towards her best friend. She was so excited to show him what she just found.

"Woah! Be careful!" A worried V reminded when Umji almost tripped over her own foot. She quickly regained composure and ran once again. They both have been friends for almost 5 years since they lived on the same street with only one house in between theirs.

"I need to show you something!" Umji said jumping up and down. She looked around hoping to find something small. Her eyes widened when she saw a small twig laying under the swing of the playground.

Umji picked it up and ran back to V placing the twig in front of him. V looked at his best friend in a weird way and was curious as to why Umji picked up a twig.

Umji cleared her throat and touched the piece of wood, squinting her eyes and clenching her fists. "Umji what are you—"

"Just wait and see!" She said annoyed losing focus. V pretended to zip his mouth as Umji tried once again. He was starting to stifle a laugh at her face when he noticed the twig floating slowly. His eyes widened and he couldn't utter a word. How is this possible? He thought. He was amazed, confused and slightly scared of Umji's powers.

He didn't want to believe in the supernatural but after seeing his friend make a small twig float, he couldn't help himself and started to believe. They both kept it a secret for as long as possible. Not even Umji's father nor V's parents knew.

As time passed and they grew older, not only that but they started developing special feelings for each other. They have been best friends for a long time so it was not hard for them to be together.

They dated and was happy with each other's presence. Sure, they were 14 and other's said it was only infatuation but they didn't care. They love each other and that's what matters. Then Umji turned 16.

She started to realize what it means having powers. Umji found her god parent and she was informed of her duties. She was scared and knew she was not ready for such responsibility. "V, what do I do?" Umji sobbed on his boyfriend's shoulder. V didn't know how to comfort her he doesn't know how she feels. He's only a normal human afterall.

They then heard of Artemis. She is a maiden goddess yet she is looking for a successor. V didn't think twice and volunteered just so he can make sure that Umji was gonna be alright and to make her feel that she was not alone. Umji opposed the idea of V sacrificing his normal life just for her but he was persistent.

"You don't have to do this V!" She stated but V shook his head. "I know but I want to!" He defended. V was so stubborn and sure about his decision that Umji couldn't do anything to talk him out of it. Instead, they promised each other.

They promised that despite being demigods, even if they separate, they will only love each other. They would never look at other people the same they looked at each other. Only the two of them matter and they will be beside each other no matter what.

The day came where V became a demigod. His parents never knew about it and for the remaining years of his life, he was a demigod. Umji and V both grew apart as they started to get more busy with their tasks. They started to focus on their own things and Umji was sad about this.

She started noticing how he acted differently. Umji knew that V has already broken their promise but she never cried nor spoke about it. She pretended everything was okay but it killed her inside. She was in so much pain and V never noticed.

"Maybe it's really time to move on." Umji munbled as she watched V laugh with the girl that replaced her in his heart. With the girl that he truly loved. "It was really just infatuation." She whispered wiping away a tear. It is but it hurted so much. However, she could not do anything but accept it. She had to move on.

Then Suga came.

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