Chapter 8

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Umji's POV

I sat down on the stool and let my fingers feel the smooth touch of the piano. It's been so long since I last played piano, I missed it. It was the only thing that made me calm before, it was my comfort zone. "Are you gonna play?" I jumped up in surprise letting go of the keys.

"V?" I said breathing to calm myself down. He really startled me there! With one hand on my chest I closed my eyes and breath deeply before looking at him again. "How did you know I was here?"

"Of course I would. You'd either be by the garden or here and I stood correct." He chuckled walking closer to me. "Anyways, what brings you here?" I ask. It's not that he's not allowed to go inside here but knowing V, instruments are not his style.

"Why did you transfer here? Of all the schools why here?" I frowned. What in the moons is he saying? "Well why not here?" I said with a raised brow. His smiled disappeared and he looked at me seriously. Did he look for me just to ask that stupid question?

"Do this for me at the least. Stay away from Suga." Suga? Who the hell is that? "I don't even know who that is." I replied nearly laughing, he walked closer to me and suddenly grabbed my shoulders making me jump again.

"I'm serious! He's on to you Umji! I don't want that!" I frowned and pushed his arms away gently away. What is wrong with him? He is looking super worried at me and I don't even know why. He comes to find me then proceeds to tell me to stay away from Suga? I don't even know who that is so how do I even avoid him without knowing that I am avoiding him?

"But wh—" He cut me off.

"Just do as I say Umji! You'll know soon enough." And with that he left. He left the music room leaving me dumbfounded. I'm still trying to process what he said. I really don't understand why I have to avoid this Suga? It keeps bothering me.

I grabbed my juice and ran to the door to chase after him and ask who Suga was but before I could go out I bumped onto someone. I fell to the ground with my butt first and my juice spilled onto the guy's uniform. Shit! "YAH!" He yelled angrily and looked down at me. We both stopped and stared at each other. He looked so intimidating but I can't seem to take my eyes off of him. He has this weird aura, I can't pinpoint what aura it is, and it's making my heart beat rapidly. What is this? Who are you?

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