Chapter 36

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Yoongi insisted on walking me right below the moonlight. I refused but he was persistent and volunteered to do so. And now, we have arrived on the beach.

We stopped in front of the port and somehow, I still wanted to stay here. The water was so calming to look at and the silence was peaceful. So instead of going straight to the Moon, I sat down on the port taking off my shoes and dangled my feet in the water. Of course, my feet was also too light that it didn't pass through the water. It stayed up om the surface. I groaned stomping on the water in frustration, it at least made a small splash.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked confused, looking down at me. "Aren't you gonna go up there?" He asked and I nodded.

"I will, later." I said still frustrated over the water and my body. He sat down beside me, doing the same thing but unlike me, his feet passed through the water and now it was soaking in the ocean. He looked at my feet and tried to hold in his laughter. Key word, tried!

"You can't go under water?" He asked wiping a fake tear from his eye. I pouted and shook my head. After laughing for a few more seconds, he finally stopped. "Here." With a few flicks of his hand, I felt my feet sink or well the water rise.

"Woah!" I gasped in amazement seeing for the first time my feet under the water. Finally! I can feel it! I can feel the water surrounding my bod— feet. How could I forget? He is the son of Poseidon! It must be nice to be him.

I looked at him and he was staring down the water, playing with the waves of the water. He's really not so bad after all. He may be a jerk but that's not all there is to him. He was caring, sometimes soft, comfortable to be with, and just amazing. I can't believe that we somehow got along despite the beginning. "Hey Yoongi." I called and he turned towards me with eyebrows raised.

"I had fun tonight. Thank you." I said sincerely staring at his eyes, he smiled at me and I did the same. We were both staring at each other's eyes and I witnessed how his eyes turned from the usual rich brown to his blue oceanic eyes. They were beautiful! I was too emerged in his eyes that I didn't notice his face starting to lean in. Is he gonna kiss me? The thought of it made my face heat up. When our face were only a few inches apart, I quickly turned my head and placed a small peck on his cheek.

He looked a bit disappointed but I found it cute. I quietly giggled at his surprised but disappointed face. "By the way, about that ex of yours. Where did you meet him?" He asked.

He's bringing that up again? "In my old school. We were both young, I was 12 and he was 14. We were still innocent and I was blind about the life of a demigod. You know, long story or short, we were not meant for each other and broke up." I said not wanting to talk about my past relationship. It was tragic and it still hurts. I should've never discovered my powers. I should've never discovered the life of a demigod. If I didn't, he would've still been normal. We would've still been together.

"What did you call each other?" Is he pertaining to pet names? I never expected him to be so interested about that.

"Well he called me Ji or Jiji while I called him..

Uhmm... I called him."


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