Chapter 2

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Umji's POV

I hummed the tune of a random song that came into my mind as I stared at the reflection of my self on the calm water of the lake, feeling the cool breeze hit my body. "Umji! I knew you were here!" The peaceful and quiet atmosphere was disturbed when my friend, Yuju, called my name. My other friends were following her with wide smiles plastered on their faces.

My name is Kim Yewon but my friend prefer calling me Umji, I'm 19 years old and is a demigod. Only my friends and family know, I don't have much friends and the only family I have is my father, an alcoholic and abusive father but as much as I hate him, he still is my father. I'm the daughter of Selene, the Goddess of the moon and mother of vampires. But no, I'm not a vampire but I am pretty much immortal. I can't be killed with just normal diseases and weapons and I can live for as long as 1000 years, it's a myth but I can guarantee it's true. Only a wooden stake at the heart would kill me, and as simple as it is, no one uses a wooden weapon anymore. I also had the power to fly, no, more like float and I can make anything I touch float too, but it needs some practice. The biggest thing I can make something float as of now is a human and I can only control it for 10 minutes, otherwise I'd collapse and be unconscious for a while.

The one that called me earlier was Choi Yuna or Yuju, 20 years old and is the daughter of Asclepius, the God of health and medicine. She had the power to heal anyone, whether it be a sickness or a wound.

"You still like being near the water." Eunha squatted beside me also staring at the water. Jung Eunbi or Eunha, 21 years old and is the daughter of Demeter, the Goddess of harvest. She had the power to control the plants around her.

"Do you think it's possible?" Yerin asked letting out a puff of breath. Jung Yerin, 22 years old and is the daughter of Hephaestus, the God of fire and blacksmithing. She had the power to make fire with her hands and at the same time create a weapon with her body. But she, too, needs practice. Creating a weapon takes up a lot of her stamina that's why she exercises a lot everyday, to boost up her stamina.

"Of course, somehow." SinB answered confidently with crossed arms. Hwang Eunbi or SinB, 19 years old and is the daughter of Zeus, the Gods of gods, lightning, thunder and heaven.  She could control and radiate electricity.

"It is possible. Maybe not now but soon it will be!" Sowon patted my back comfortingly. Kim Sojung or Sowon, 23 years old and the daughter of Hera, the Goddess of Goddesses, women and marriage. Her powers are purity, she is immune to any poison or spell and sometimes she can use it on other people too. Despite Zeus and Hera being together, SinB and Sowon are not siblings. Zeus is known for having a ton of affairs and SinB's mother was one of them.

"Let's go to the mall for now, shall we?" SinB said clinging to my arm and I nod. If you were curious of what we were talking about well, I can float on air but I can't swim. I don't have enough gravity in my body to sink so I float on water, no matter how hard I try I float right to the top. I tried tying a stone to my foot and it worked, I sunk. But I stayed in one place, I couldn't move since the stone was too heavy. My one greatest wish was to swim, to feel the water surround my body. I want to see what it is like being under the water. If only it was possible.

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