Chapter 31

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Suga's POV

Yewon has been avoiding me all day again. She has been avoiding me since yesterday and it's driving me crazy! I don't what I have done and as far as I remember, I haven't done anything to even annoy her. She just decided not to talk nor glance at me after lunch yesterday.

"Dude are you gonna answer your phone or are you gonna keep on staring at Umji?" I ignored Jhope and continued to look at their table. All the girls are seated around that table while a certain pest is beside Umji. I kept fiddling with my fork and the sight of them together annoys me. It's bothering me so much and I can't help but grit my teeth at the eyesore. "Can you stop staring at her?" V's deep voice distracted me out of my thoughts and made me look at him.

"It bothers you so much but from what I sense you don't like her as a girl like you said you did." Jin said boredly resting his cheek on his palms with elbows on top of the table. I grinned teasingly at him making him frown while the others looked at the three of us confused. "Of course he doesn't." I smirked noticing his tight grip on his can of soda. Jimin gasped quietly sensing anger rising in V.

"Jin, you're cupid in training. You could be wrong." He tried to calm himself down and looked at Jin softly taking a deep breath. Jin looked up in confusion, probably thinking if he made a mistake. "He's actually not wrong." I said and his anger came back looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh drop the act V! I know she's your cousin or something." I had enough of it! I already figured it out after giving it some thought. She's the daughter of a Moon Goddess, probably Selene, and V is the son of Artemis. Adopted son but still, he was passed on powers from her. Long story or not, they're cousins! "What?" RM spat out the water he was drinking at Jhope's face making Jin and Jungkook laugh.

"How do you know that?" V asked obviously shocked but was still frowning. I rolled my eyes and ignored the question. I stood up roughly, the chair making a screeching sound catching the attention of a few people, grabbed my nearly finished drink and threw it the trash bin before completely walking out the cafeteria. The atmosphere there feels suffocating and the view makes me want to pull my eyes out.


"WHAT?!" I yelled after aggressively pushing the answer button, not even checking the name of the caller.

"Min Yoongi! How dare you yell at your mother!" I winced and pulled the phone a few centimeters away from my ear and scratched the back of my head realizing that the caller is my Mom. "I'm sorry Mom. I'm having a bad day why did you call?"

"We're having dinner tonight with a friend of mine. You better get your ass ready here by 5 and I already have ordered Crion to tell your Father about the dinner so you wouldn't get stuck at Atlantis all night." She then ended the call as soon as she finished making me shake my head. My Mom's crazy!

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