Chapter 11

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Suga's POV

Night time again and like every other night, I'm locked up in Atlantis. I don't get why Dad doesn't want me to go outside. It's unfair! Other demigods get to go out and do tasks while I rot in my bedroom.

"That's odd. No trying to go out?" Crion asked opening the door to my bedroom. I only gave him the stare before looking back to the ceiling. I'm in no mood to escape from Crion today and I don't know why. "Do you want anything?" He asked and I shake my head before motioning him to go out of my room with my hand. I heard him sigh and walk out of my room but before he could close the door I immediately sat up straight.

"On the second thought." I stopped him. "Do you know a place here in Atlantis where I can see a view of the moon?" He tilted his head in confusion. Of course he would be. I never really had any interests in anything above maybe because I live under the water at night?

"Well there is and it's right below the moon. Would you want to check it out?" He asked and I nodded. Crion gestured me to follow him and I stood up immediately following his tail. He led me to one of the highest toward in Atlantis, Torre del Ecuador. Why is it in Spanish? How in the trenches would I know? I'm not the person who named it.

"Wait isn't this place forbidden?" I asked Crion when we stopped in front of a door. No one ever entered the tip of this tower, they say it's forbidden. For what reason? I also don't know. I don't like to study my history. "And since when did rules ever stop you hmm?" Crion raised a brow. Okay he got me! I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed at me before taking out a key from his pocket and opened the door.

"Wow." I mumbled in amazement seeing the inside of it. It was not that spacy but it looked like a smaller version of my Mom's office in our house. I looked up gasping in awe seeing that the top was actually glass making you see the view of the moon. The moonlight passing through the glass made the place look more beautiful and antique. Everything from furniture to equipments were antique! This would cost a lot of fortune if it wasn't covered in algae. "Who does this office belong to?" I asked Crion.

"It's yours." I tilted my head, what does he mean it's mine? "I meant before—"

"It is yours. No one has ever owned this except you. It was built for you." I don't understand. I'm pretty sure that that this was built before I was even born based from the look of it so how was this built for me? "You see, there was a prophecy. That was about 50 years ago. It is stated there that the God of the ocean will be given a child, born to be an extraordinary demigod. A demigod who will be interested in the world opposite to his. He will yearn for something he cannot have and something that cannot be." What the fuck? I didn't understand a single thing with what he said. After a few minutes helping me clean the place up, Crion decided to let me be alone saying that he will be guarding the door in case I try to sneak away. Like that will happen!

I sat down on the chair tracing every detail on the desk with my finger. I buried my face on my arms thinking about that girl on the moon, it was not my first time to see her. I'm sure of that but I never really got to look at her and I only noticed her eyes now. They were just beautiful!

I slowly looked up when I heard humming from above. It's her! It's her again! She was humming an unfamiliar song and her voice! She was just humming but wow. Girl on the moon, who are you?

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