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'𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

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'𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚. 𝙉𝙤, 𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'


AFTER FIGURING OUT WHERE THEY WERE, Kai and Keziah went straight to a shop and bought new phones. They were going their separate ways, Kai to find his twin and complete the merge and Keziah was going to New Orleans to find Nik.

It was long and tiring travelling there from Portland. As soon as she could, she did a locator spell to find his exact location, The French Quarter. It seems like forever since she had last seen him. She missed her best friend. Who knew what his reaction be seeing her again?

Keziah took a deep breath as she came face to face with the building, he was residing in. She walked inside and looked around the courtyard. It was spectacular and so Niklaus Mikaelson.

She choked back a sob as she saw him standing there with three strangers. "NIK!" She shouted catching his attention. She ran and jumped into his arms.

He caught her easily, shocked that she was here, and gripped onto her tightly. They pulled apart and tears were falling down her face.

"Rosie, where the hell have you been? We did so many locator spells and we couldn't feel you. We all thought you were dead."

"It's a really long story." Keziah smiled through tears.

"Kez?" A soft voice asked.

She turned around to see her cousin, Davina, standing there, a wide smile on her face. "Vina!" Keziah pulled her in for a tight hug. It felt so good being able to hug her again after so many years apart. They were thick as thieves until the coven kicked Keziah out. Phone calls over the years, didn't do it justice.

"Those witches will have to go through me to get to you. I'm not letting you leave now that your back." Davina promised, holding out her pinkie towards her. Keziah grinned and shook it with hers.

"You two know each other?" Nik questioned.

"Yeah, we're cousins. Pretty sure I told you I had family here still." Keziah stated.

"Bloody hell." Nik groaned already knowing the trouble they would cause.

All of a sudden, firm hands were pressed against Keziah's cheeks as lips met hers. This wasn't right. She pulled away and slapped the man across the face. Whilst he flinched in pain, she used the magic she had left to pin him to the floor and cut off his breathing. His hands clawed at his throat as he gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She raged. "Do that again and I'll rip your dick off!"

Arms caged around her waist and she was pulled into Nik's chest, her spell disrupted. "Not that I don't love this new rage in you, but you don't want to do that, Rosie."

"Why? He fucking deserves it!" Keziah thrashed out of his arms and returned to the spell.

The man's coughs were stopped as he went back to struggling to breathe. "Keziah..." He wheezed.

"Rosie, it's Kol!"

What? She looked back at the man, there was no way in hell it was Kol.

"No. No Nik you don't get to do that." She stammered. "You don't get to give me hope like that. I broke after he died, I got caught in trouble with some covens. They trapped me in this damn prison world, repeating the same day over and over again. It was too late before I realised, I needed you."

"There's a lot we need to explain. But listen to me—" Nik's hands rested on her shoulders, staring directly into her eyes. "A lot has happened in the past year, but before the other side collapsed, my mother put herself, Finn and Kol into new bodies. I promise you that is Kol, he's back."

None of this made sense, but she turned around and dropped the spell. He breathed in as much air as he could.

"Kol?" Keziah Rose whispered.

"Hey, doll. Love the new tricks." He grimaced as he rubbed at his sore throat.

"Oh my god." She crouched down on the floor as her hand went up to her mouth. It really was him.

The new Kol sat down and cradled her into his arms. He brushed his fingers through her hair, soothing her and pressing delicate kisses to her forehead.


It didn't take long for Keziah to get used to Kol's body; they were soul mates after all, not body mates. She just needed him, no matter what he looked like. Although, she was still getting used to it.

She stood in the bedroom Nik said she could stay in and thought over everything she had been told today.

It seemed there was a lot she missed. They moved to New Orleans' because the witches had captured the woman who was carrying Nik's child all because of a one-night stand. Sadly, the child passed during a battle. All Keziah ever did was cry these days. They wouldn't stop upon hearing what Nik had lost.

Davina had brought Mikael back to life and used to control him. If only she knew back then that Keziah sees the Mikaelson's as family, then she wouldn't have done it.

Esther was back and determined to put her children into different bodies, offering them a new life, like she had done with Kol and Finn. Kol loved being able to do magic. Kol befriended Davina, fully knowing that they were cousins, and tried to keep her as safe as he could. It was nice knowing that they get on really well.

"You still wear it?"

Keziah didn't even notice Kol had entered her room and stood behind her, until he spoke. She watched him through the full body mirror she was pointed at, as his hands glided up her arms and brushed her hair over her shoulder.

"I'd never take it off." She softly smiled at him.

"When I was on the other side, I followed you around everywhere. I watched you take down those wretched covens, like it was the easiest thing possible. I was your biggest fan, cheering you on from the side-lines. When you disappeared into thin air because of that one coven, I went crazy, assuming the worst. I waited for you to appear in front of me, yet you never did and I'm so glad you didn't."

"You saw everything?"

"And heard everything."

"Ah, so your heard that then." She nodded her head as she realised.

He had heard her cry to Nik that she never got to tell him how she felt.

"I did indeed, doll." Lips met skin as he placed many kisses on her neck. "And I want to hear you say it."

Keziah turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. His hands comfortably rested on her hips. "Kol Mikaelson, I would follow you to the ends of the earth, even to the pits of Tartarus. I don't care what you look like, although I definitely will miss your true body. But I love you. I love you more than anything in this world."

"God, I love you."

Kol pressed his mouth against hers and this time instead of pushing him away and slapping him, Keziah kissed back. they were desperate for each other, having been starved for too long. She had her Kol back.

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