I wish I could hate you IV

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I do hope they live happily together.

The final part of this one shot. The recount of Dan and Phil's life together...


"This isn't some kind of movie where the people kiss in a cliche setting with romantic lighting." He says, his voice low.
"Then how come I want to kiss you so bad?" I question, my voice soft. He rests his forehead against mine and slowly tilts his head, pressing his lips to mine. Butterflies swarm in my tummy and I feel nervous, but oddly calm at the same time. His lips are warm and soft against mine and I feel the breath from his nose fanning across my cheek. He moves and wraps his arms around my waist, moving one hand up to my shoulder. I hold one of his soft cheeks in my hand and rest the other on his leg.

Dan and Phil share a kiss in the lift after Phil gets asked out by another man...



Fucking hell. Did that really just happen?
"Hey, Dan!" Esmeé smiles at me as I come inside.
"Hi." I say distractedly, making my way to my room.
"You ok?" She questions. My mind is extremely distracted, all I can think of is Phil Phil Phil, so it's harder for me to understand French right now.
"Yah." I say in English.

That kiss was something else... it was so unexpected, and Phil called me the fuck out. I've never felt so... safe before that kiss, his lips were so soft and he held me so lovingly-
Fuck I need to pull myself together. I wish he was here right now. I want to be with him, cuddle him, kiss him... I've never wanted these things so strongly before. Admittedly, I've always had feelings for Phil, but now I feel those feelings on a much larger scale.


Just as I'm about to get into bed, I hear a knock on the door. I go downstairs to answer it.
"Phil?!" I question happily. He's standing in my doorway, looking hot as hell and I'm in a onesie. Oops.
"Dan, I need to talk to you." He says. We go upstairs into my room.
"Dan, I don't know if you get the email yet, but Bia's passed away." He tells me. My mouth falls open and I cover my mouth. Jesus Christ, not her. I fling my arms around Phil and cuddle him close. We stay like that for a while.
"She was the sweetest person ever." I sigh.
"I didn't know her that well but she was so kind. She kept talking about how we should get together and such." He smiles sadly. I get a strange rush of confidence.
"Phil, when I said I was scared earlier, I was scared that I'm in love with you. I don't wanna be scared anymore, I just want you to love me back." I ramble. I look at Phil for a moment before loosing my confidence and looking at the floor. I feel Phil's hand under my chin and my head gets tilted up. My eyes meet two beautiful ones.
"How do you always get what you want?" He giggles, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth cutely. I smile at him.
"It's not what I want, it's what I need." I reply, before Phil pulls me closer by my chin and attaches his lips to mine. As I'm pulled into Phil's lap in a passionate kiss, I suddenly realise what Bia was saying.

Life is too short for being scared.


"Dan, wake up, it's Christmas!" I hear Phil whisper-shout as he runs his hands through my hair.
"Oh yeah!" I smile sleepily, getting up from Phil's chest and kissing him softly on the lips. That soft kiss escalates quickly and soon we're making out. Great way to start Christmas.
"Let's go and have breakfast." Phil says against my lips and I agree. He holds my hand and we walk into his kitchen.
"I got the ingredients for French toast, seeing as we both know French I thought it was appropriate."
"Magnifique." I smile.
"J'essaie." He smiles back, kissing my forehead. He said 'I do try'.
"Je t'aime." I tell him. I said I love him.
"Je t'aime aussi." He loves me too. I kiss his lips lightly, before we start to make the French toast.

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