Are you ok?

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I feel one controller hit something and Phil yells 'FUCK'.

this is just a cute one because I was watching this video and got an idea! The video is 'job simulator' btw if you have no idea what I'm describing

Dan's POV-

Phil and i are making a video. A VR video. I frickin love VR, but Phil gets nauseous and sick, which kind of works out well for me as when he's tired, upset or sick he always lays down on my lap. Before we start the video, Phil grabs my cheeks and kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around him. It's so weird that we can do this now. Not infront of the camera, but generally, we can kiss. We've been together for a month now.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"I just can't kiss you infront of a camera and I just really wanted to kiss you" he shrugs. I blush.


After our introduction to the game, I stand up with the VR headset on my face. I'm completely blinded so I can't see anything. I'm talking about things being 'all clear' and flailing the... oddly shaped controllers around, when Phil begs me not to hit him in the face. At that exact moment, I feel one controller hit something and Phil yells 'FUCK'. In my confusion, I lift up the headset and see Phil hunched over, holding his face.

"Are you ok?" I ask before leaning down next to him and taking his hand away from his mouth. A single tear falls down his face.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Phil!" I apologise, caressing his mouth.

"It's ok." he smiles before starting to laugh. I laugh too and he hugs me close. I hug him back and he kisses my cheek.

"Are you Sure you're Ok?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I then kiss his lips gently before tucking his hair behind his ear. We hug again before he starts uncontrollably laughing against my chest. I start to laugh too and before we know it, we're both laughing our lungs out.

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