The drunk confession II

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Now do I get my damn paracetamol or not?

I thought I should end this one happy and I liked where it was going before so I finished it.


"Oh my god! Isn't it obvious? I'm fucking in love with you! I love everything about you! I love how inventive you are, how pretty you are, how fucking adorable you are, how your tongue always pokes out of the side of your lips when you laugh, how you love to wear plaid shirts and how you chose to be friends with me, how you chose to live with me even though there are so many others that deserve you. For fuck's sake, I'm in love with you and it's making me upset because you would never like me back" he rambles. My heart thuds loudly and quickly in my chest. I stare at him. Maybe he doesn't mean that. Maybe it's just the alcohol talking, but who could say something that passionate and meaningful without meaning it? I walk over to him.

"Dan, you always jump to conclusions. You're so self deprecating to the point where you don't realise how much potential you have. You're so self depreciating to the point where you don't realise and refuse to believe someone you love might just love you back" I list, staring at him to the point where he looks up, his pupils dilating.


"You need to sleep, I'll talk to you later, Dan"

Dan got drunk and confessed his feelings to Phil, Phil feels the same way and goes on a speech about how self deprecating he is.


Phil's POV-

The next morning I decide to make the hungover Dan some pancakes. as I'm mixing the batter, I hear him walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning" I greet him. He looks at me sadly.

"Morning" he says bashfully.

"Do you remember last night?" I ask curiously, but also kind of hopefully.

"No... yes" he sighs. My mouth falls open. He remembers? I thought he freaking forgot!

"I-" I'm at loss for words.

"I know, I know" he sighs, burying his head in his hands and groaning. I let go of the whisk and let it sink into the batter. I walk over to him.

"Did you... mean what you said?" I ask. His cheeks go red.

"Can I have some paracetamol?" he asks, casually dodging the question.

"Did you?" I ask, wanting to know. Needing to know.

"Phil, get me some paracetamol" he orders.

"Not until you answer my question" I shoot back.

"Phil just get me some damn tablets" he orders again.

"Just tell me!" I order.

"Why do you want to know?" he raises his voice.

"Because- because I do, ok?" I question, raising my voice too.

"Phil just let it go, I was drunk" he hisses.

"So that's it? You're gonna get drunk, yell your feelings at me, get hungover and yell at me again? What am I? Some kind of fucking puppet?" I yell. I can tell this makes him angry.

"The only reason I'm not telling you is because I'm scared, ok? There, I said it. I'm scared because you're all I can think about, I'm scares because I you're just so damn perfect and I love you so much and the feelings scare me. But most of all, I'm scared of losing you!" he shouts, his voice breaking.

"If you're so 'in love with me', WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" I ask, frustrated. So frustrated, in fact, that I don't realise I'm making my way over to Dan.

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" he screams, walking towards me.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE YELLING!" I answer. Dan's face is inches from mine. We both realise this at the same time and we both relax a bit. A lump forms in my throat and a tear falls down Dan's face. I reach over and sweep it away, before trailing my hand down to under his jaw line. He looks at me with innocent eyes. I start to lean in. He does too. Our lips are almost touching. They finally touch softly before parting again. That isn't enough for either of us so we press them together properly this time. He wraps his arms around my waist and I rest my hands on his shoulders. Our lips part again and our foreheads rest against each other's. I then kiss his cheek.

"Now do I get my damn paracetamol or not?"

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