Valentine's Day

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every year, I have to sit through another frickin Valentine's Day with the one I so desperately want to be my Valentine. Goddammit.

In honour of valentine's day being however many days ago now, this is about Dan confessing his love to Philly on Valentine's day! Enjoy!

Phil's POV-

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock, obnoxiously beeping. I still have no idea why I set alarms. I never wake up to them. I just keep pressing snooze until I give up and turn my phone off. However, today is Valentine's Day... kill me. I don't like Valentine's Day. Why? Because for the last FOUR years, I've lived with Dan. And I love Dan. And every year, I have to sit through another frickin Valentine's Day with the one I so desperately want to be my Valentine. Goddammit. I sigh and slowly get up. I swing my long legs over the side of my bed and stretch my again, long arms. I stand up and make my way to the kitchen, where my mission is to eat MY cereal. Not Dan's.

I get into the kitchen and see that Dan's not awake yet. Now, usually I'd take this as an opportunity to eat his cereal, but not today... I take my cereal out of the cupboard and lazily pour myself some and make my way to my living room and plonk my butt down on the sofa. I turn on F.R.I.E.N.D.S and watch with my legs in a crossed fashion. After I finish breakfast, I go into the kitchen again and put my bowl on the side.

Then I see it. The cupboard open. Two things pop to my mind. 1) Dan would kill me if he saw the cupboard open and 2) Dan's choice in cereal is very good. I confess, I want the cereal. I slowly walk towards the cupboard and hold my hand out, as if to close the door. I check my surroundings before taking the box and sticking my hand into the packet and taking a handful of Dan's cereal. I quickly shovel it into my mouth before...

"PHIL!" I hear Dan's voice yell from behind me, making me jump and almost drop the box. I snap my head around to see Dan frowning at me. I look at my feet sadly.

"Phiiiiil, was that my cereal?" he asks. I advert his gaze. He giggles and the corner of my mouth lifts into a little smile.

"Phil, read the bottom of the box" he says. I look up at him confusedly. God, he looks beautiful.

"I- wuh?" I question. He laughs and closes the box before turning it upside down for me. There, I see some writing in black sharpie. I smile as I start to read:

Don't freak out, but I wanted to tell you I love you. Dan xx

Joy fills me and I look back up at him, before wrapping him in a massive hug. I then kiss his lips slowly and lovingly. He wraps his arms around my waist as I play with his beautiful brown locks. We pull away slowly. I hold his soft cheek and I see his dimples show.

"I love you too, Dan." I smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Phil."

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