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Desc- Dan and Phil are in school and they're a couple of queers. Cheers.

Dan's POV-

"Hi Dan!" Phil greets me as he walks into school.

"Hey Phil!" I smile at him. As I'm about to take a bite out of my cupcake, Phil snatches it from me and takes a big add bite.

"Phil you dick!" I whine, snatching the cupcake back.

"Ouch, never called me that one before" he says, trying to make me pity him.

"I would smash this into your face if it wasn't so good" I threaten, leaning closer to him intimidatingly. He looks back at me and for a moment there's nothing but eye contact between us. I take the time to explore the colours in his eyes: aqua marine, turquoise and gold all forming together to make the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. The eye contact is broken when he looks down at the floor and I look at the ceiling with a blush on my face.

"Where did you get the cupcake?" He asks.

"From the shop that is on the way to school, I can buy you one tomorrow" I shrug.

"Really? Thank you!" He smiles widely and hugs me close.

"Fags" someone walking past us spits. I hear Phil giggle. I do too.

"He's such an idiot oh my god" he chuckles.

"I know right!" I cheer. I then realise we're still hugging. I let him go and the bell rings. I huff.

"Dan, do you want to hang out after school?" He asks. I smile.

"Of course"

School finishes and I wait outside Phil's tutor to go to the park. He comes out of class talking to Riley. Man, I hate him. Riley has an undeniable crush on Phil and Phil is MY crush, not his. I know it sounds selfish but I'm crazy about Phil. I don't want him to be with Riley.

"Hey Dan" He chirps before linking arms with me and walking out of school.

"Why are we linking arms?" I ask.

"Because I feel like it" he answers. I nod. We get to the park and start blasting MCR. We talk about deep stuff and laugh at dirty jokes. Phil says something about 'low' and I say 'lower than my self esteem'.

"You shouldn't have low self esteem, I mean, have you seen yourself?" He asks.

"What, that fat, ugly, weirdly tall guy? Yeah I've seen him" I joke but mean it at the same time. Phil looks at me with sad eyes.

"Dan, you think you're so ugly and that you're worth nothing, but you're so much more than that. If you could see yourself through my eyes you wouldn't say that" he explains. I blush.

"Why are you lying to me?" I ask.

"I'm not! You're the closest thing to perfect!" He exclaims.

"I beg to differ" I protest.

"Well I don't. You know why? Because I really like you!" He announces, before realising what he said and covering his mouth. I stare at him with wide eyes. He makes an upset face before getting up and running off. I react kind of slowly, but I eventually get up and start sprinting towards him.

"Phil!" I call. He keeps going.

"Phil, I'm running! The least you could do is stop!" I manage between deep breaths. He stops reluctantly and I catch up to him and catch my breath.

"Phil.." I wheeze. I catch my breath and stand up straight.

"Phil, I always over think things and over analyse things, but right now I don't need to think because thinking is what's been holding me back from doing this" I wrap my arms around him and press my lips against his. He gasps before holding my sides and kissing back. I run my fingers through his hair and slide my other hand up to his cheek. Butterflies form in my stomach and my head feels light. We part from the kiss and stand there with our foreheads resting together.



"What does this mean?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"That we finally had the balls to admit our feelings and that we're together now?" He suggests.

"That sounds too good to be true" I joke. He smiles and me, a smile I'll never forget. A smile meant for me. 

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