Proud of you

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Desc- I was wondering what their convo was before Dan uploaded the video, so I wrote this, taking it where my imagination went, and I'm actually proud of it! So here you go. (Side note, I have still not recovered from the video. It's been three days. Help)

Phil's POV-

Dan's uploading a video today. Not just any video, a coming out video. I'm so bloody proud of him I can't even express it. 

"Ok, that's it, just time to upload it" he announces. He's sat on his chair, hunched over his laptop. I go over to him and hug him from behind, kissing his hair, giggling at the way his curly hair tickles my face. 

"I'm so proud of you, Dan. You're so fucking amazing" I say genuinely. 

"Ooo, an F-bomb, Phil? Very unlike you" he teases. I chuckle. 

"Seriously, though" I add. He smiles widely at him. 

"Phil, just so you know, I would never have been the person I am without you. I wouldn't have a youtube career, I'd probably be a lawyer, and I sure as hell would not be coming out to like 6 million people so, what I'm trying to say is thank you, thank you for giving me the confidence to do this" he rambles. A lump forms in my throat. 

"Daaan, come on, you know cheesy shiz like that gets me chocked up" I complain, wiping a tear away. He giggles, showing his dimples, or rather, dimple. 

"I want to say thank you too, by the way. Without you trying to communicate with me I'd never be who I am today, either. And I'm not talking about the fame and stuff like that, I'm talking about me. What defines me. You've helped me realise who the frick I am so much and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you. So much" I make him cry, now. 

"And I thought I was the cheesy, ramble-y one" he laughs, while wiping a tear away. "I love you too" me smiles. I kiss his nose, he tilts his head up so our lips connect. I hold his chin and he holds my cheek. He then turns back to his computer and sighs. I hold his hand. With one click, he has changed his life. For the better.

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