I can't be bothered

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Philyoudon'tjustdothatbecausenowI'llhavetoturnitbackonand I CAN'T BE BOTHERED!

Philly wants Danny to come shopping with him but Dan can't be bothered :(

Phil's POV-

"Dan, I'm going to the shop and you're coming with me" I announce. My curly haired boyfriend groans. I chuckle stand behind the sofa. He's in his browsing position. I run my hands through Dan's soft hair and he leans into me. I lean over and kiss his forehead.
"Whatcha watching?" I ask.
"Baby sloth's bath time" he says. I giggle. He's so weird but I love him.
"Oh really? Well," I snap the lid closed. "not anymore" I smile.
"PHIL!" he yells. I laugh.
"Philyoudon'tjustdothatbecausenowI'llhavetoturnitbackonand I CAN'T BE BOTHERED!" he yells quickly, not realising he's still leaning into me.
"Aww, Danny, well, I guess you'll have to go shopping with your boyfriend! What a shame!" I tease. He groans. I slap him across the head lightly.
"I want a hug" he says.
"Not until you've gone shopping" I sing, helping him up.
"Bu-" I kiss him firmly on the lips, shutting him up. I pull away.
"Wait, I didn't kiss you back, come here" he orders. I shake my head.
"First, you shop. Then, we kiss. Finally, you watch" I order him. He grumbles.
"Phil, if I didn't love you, I'd hate you" he mumbles.
"I'm aware" I giggle.
"Lemme get my coat, it's behind you" he reaches for the coat, pressing against me. He goes to kiss me and I push him back lightly.
"Nice try" I scoff. He strops.
"We need to go" I say, hugging Dan close and kissing his beautiful curls before kissing his hand and setting off.

Phan Oneshots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang