That's it

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Desc- another cute interaction between DnP (I'll make it so DnP get together in the next one but that takes more thinking and thinking is overrated lol) 

Phil's POV- 

"Philip, we are going on a date" Dan announces. I look over at him, he leans over me while I work at my computer. I have to edit this video, but I never say no to a date.

"Were are we going?" I ask. 

"To the park. We're going to get ice cream and we are going to hang out in the play area" he explains. 

"Like we used to when we were teenagers?!" I ask excitedly. He nods before kissing me on the lips. I fling my arms around his neck, kissing his nose.

"Best. Boyfriend. EVER!" I squeal, before getting up and getting my coat. He gets his and holds my hand tightly. I snuggle into him. 

We go to the park, hand in hand. Today is a good day. A non-homophobic stare day. 

"Oh my god yes embrace the grace!" Some girl shouts at us. A smile spreads widely across my cheeks and Dan says 'we will'. We get ice cream, I get a mr whippy and he gets the one with the bubblegum at the bottom that the writer can't remember the name or for the life of her. We giggle about whatever and go to sit on the swings. Dan pushes me whilst I'm still eating my ice cream, making me smash my face into it.

"DAN!" I yell. He giggles. 

"It's not funny!" I scream, getting his ice cream and shoving it in his face. He makes a 'hmph' sound and wipes it off, putting his fingers in my face as if to put the ice cream on me. I slap it away. We giggle for a while and calm down. He kisses me on the lips. I kiss right back. 

"I love you, Phil" he smiles.

"I love you too, that's it, I love you, Daniel Howell" 

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