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famaritana- (Malagasy) just a simple one shot, nothing special :))

Dan's POV-

I wake up early for work and realise Phil's wrapped around me tightly. Not wanting to wake him, I carefully try to lift his arm up so I can duck under it and hopefully not wake him up. He sighs and wraps his arms around me tighter. I grunt silently. I try to get his arms off me but he still won't let go. Man, he can be clingy when he's asleep. I have no choice but to wake him up. 

"Phil" I whisper. Nothing.

"Phil" I rock him a little. He only stirs a little bit. 

"Philly!" I whisper-shout. He grunts and falls back asleep. Not knowing what else to do, I kiss him tenderly on the mouth. I feel him wake up and make a confused noise, before realising I'm kissing him. I take my lips off his. 


"You weren't getting up and you were wrapped around me like a koala wraps around a tree" I explain bluntly. His cheeks go pink. 

"Sorry" he apologises. 

"No, it's ok, it was pretty damn cute" I compliment. He smiles bashfully. 

"Anyway, I have to get ready for work" I excuse myself. 

"But I wanna keep hugging you!" he complains. I simply walk over to him and place my lips on his. He wraps his arms around me, deepening it. 

"You'll see me after work, don't miss me too much" I wink. 

"I'll try not to" he mumbles. I kiss him again.

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