I wish I could hate you III

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"Phil?" He asks.
"This is gay."
Dan keeps confusing Phil out of his brain
Dan's trust Phil thought he did gain
But when they get stuck in a lift
Will they fix their rift?


"Esmeé, you're a great friend and all that, but you know no one can talk sense into me." I scoff. She leans on the wall.
"Is he gay?" She asks.
"Why does that matter?" I feel myself blushing.
"Because I feel like there's some sort of chemistry between you two! Like a love hate relationship, just drop the hate already!" She rambles.
"LOVE HATE? Are you insane?" I stamp my foot. She laughs. "Plus, how could you tell that? You haven't even met him!" I say.
"University? All you talked about was him and your broke back mountain reenactment." She shrugs.
"Alright that's enough you're crazy." I sigh, going off into my room.
"Quand cessera-t-il de cacher ses sentiments?" I hear her mutter. When will he stop hiding his feelings?

Dan wont admit to his French roommate, Esmeé, or anyone else for that matter, his repressed feelings for Phil.



"Hi, Phil." Dan says as I walk into work.
"Hiya, Dan." I smile at him. I don't want to jinx anything, but over the past few weeks Dan's been being a lot less mean than he used to be, he smiles at me sometimes, he hasn't called me 'nerd' in a long time and generally I think I'm seeing the true Dan for once, not this mean persona.
"Did you have a good weekend?" He asks me.
"It was ok, kinda boring though." I shrug.
"I thought time away from me would be fun." He says with a hint of a giggle in his voice.
"I wasn't expecting you to say that, I thought you thought highly of yourself." He speaks.
"Yeah, well, looks like you were wrong." He speaks. I raise an eyebrow. He looks almost shocked at himself. I'm shocked at him too.
"Is Daniel Howell... opening up to me? Well, I better mark this down as a day in history." I joke.
"I was joking. As if I'd open up to you." He spits.

I tut at him before tapping my finger on his nose and saying 'boop'. Doing that reminds me of that camping trip... the whole moment by the fire...
Dan's smiling and looking at me in a weird way.
"What?" I ask.
"Oh... nothing... hey, listen, I was wondering if you'd want to come over to mine tonight, my roommate's been out of town for a while and I'm bored on my own, I understand if you don't-"
"I'd like to." I interrupt. Something drove me to say yes, everything in my mind is screaming 'what the hell are you doing?' But still I said yes. I hope I don't regret this decision.


"Do you remember when we were kids and we were playing in my house and we went to the garage and saw a fucking mannequin?" Dan asks me when we're walking to his house.
"Oh my god! I forgot about Darcy the Dummy." I giggle.
"I remember we ran away screaming until my Dad brought it out and we dressed her up." Dan laughs.
"Well, you dressed her up, you wouldn't let me touch her." I mumble.
"Oh right... sorry." He says to me. I stop in my tracks. I've never heard Dan say sorry before.
"It's fine, I did get to put the make up on her that you stole from your mum's make up box." I laugh at the memory.
"Oh my goodness! I remember I spilt her lotion thing on the floor and the whole room smelt like-"
"Coconut." We say at the same time. He looks at me with gentle eyes. I look back at him, before I look behind him.
"A CANDLE SHOP!" I shout, shocking Dan.
"Wh-" Before he can react, I take his hand in mine and pull him behind me into the shop. It's literally a shop full of candles, I'm in heaven.

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