"I didn't kill the Doctor that you ordered the hit on." Venus said, her voice was shaking just as much as her body, "Instead, when I went to her house, I told her to run." Venus swallowed, but it had no effect. She could taste bile on her tongue as The Boss continued to glare at her, processing what she had just said.

There was not a single sound in the room besides Venus' heavy breathing. It was clear that all the Assassins were in shock; it seemed as if the world had frozen, was at a standstill as The Boss decided her fate.

"So," The Boss approached Venus as he talked, "you're saying that you did not kill the Doctor? You let her go?"

Venus nodded her head. She was certain that her voice no longer worked, so she didn't even bother trying.

"You disobeyed me, the highest form of disrespect." The Boss had now stopped right in front of Venus, and she thought she might pass out right then and there. She bit down hard on her tongue, to shock herself out of the immobilizing pain that she was feeling as she stared at The Boss in front of her. Fury was clear in his eyes. She had seen this look various times before, but never once had it been directed at her. But now, she guessed it was her time.

The Boss continued regarding her shaking figure for a moment, not saying anything. The suspense was driving Venus crazy. She just wanted him to get it over with. She just wanted to get her life over with.

As Venus watched The Boss make his way back to his seat, sinking into it and crossing his hands on his laps before him. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, but Venus knew what was coming.

Her mind wavered to Xena. She wished that she could have told the older girl goodbye; she wished somehow that she could see her one last time, but that wasn't the case. She knew Xena didn't want to see her, especially not now that she knew the monster she was.

"V, do you know why I ordered the hit on the Doctor?"

The Boss' sudden question threw Venus off completely. His voice was hard when he spoke, cold. She didn't understand why it would matter, especially right then. But she shook her head nonetheless.

"I ordered the kill because the Doctor planned to go to the FBI with information about you. I ordered the kill to protect you."

Venus stared at him blankly. Thoughts could no longer form in her head. The silence in the room seemed to grow as the seconds passed.

"But since you didn't kill her, she most likely went to the FBI and they're probably on your very trail as we speak."

Venus knew the FBI was on her trail already. After all, she had all but admitted what she was to an FBI Agent. But what Venus couldn't understand was why The Boss ordered the hit to protect her. Why did he care about what happened to her?

There was now a silence that rested in the room. The tension was thick.

Once again, The Boss got to his feet.

This is it.

Venus was certain that he was going to announce how Venus was about to leave this world, her cause of death. He was probably even going to order an Assassin to bring the tools necessary and get a chair ready.

Venus swallowed.

"Do you know why I was going to call for you?"


Venus squinted for a second, then remembered that The Boss had told her earlier on that he was just about to call for her. She shook her head, not understanding the need of all the questions, the questions that she clearly didn't have the answers to.

The Boss continued to walk towards her. He now stopped a little distance from where he was and reached into his pocket.

Venus was so sure that he would bring out a gun, he'd bring out a gun and just shoot her then and there. But instead, The Boss brought out a piece of paper.

"Bruce informed me that he had severally sighted you with an FBI Agent." The Boss said, causing Venus' heart to stop beating in her chest altogether.

For the first time since she entered the room, she turned to look at the other Assassins. It did not take her long to notice Bruce. Whilst the other Assassins wore paling expressions on their faces, Bruce had a smirk on his. His eyes were bright and his arms were crossed in front of his chest. As Venus watched, his smirk deepened once they made eye contact.

"What do you know about this?"

Tearing her eyes from Bruce, Venus brought them back to look at The Boss. He was now holding up the piece of paper. It took Venus a few seconds before she realized that it wasn't a piece of paper, but rather, a photograph of her and Xena. From what they were wearing and the scenery, it became clear to Venus that the photograph was taken on the day Xena had taken her to the outside café. Despite herself, Venus couldn't help thinking that the picture was a beautiful one. They were both smiling, Venus had never seen herself smile before.

"I asked, what do you know about this?" The Boss' voice had raised significantly and Venus was immediately snapped out of her little trip down memory lane. "Why were you with an FBI Agent?"

"I didn't know she was an FBI Agent at the time." Venus replied truthfully. She heard a voice inside of her head asking if that would have changed anything if she had known. Venus pushed it away, focusing instead on The Boss.

He had put the photograph away and was walking back to his chair. Venus couldn't understand anything that was happening. She should have been dead by now. It was very unlike The Boss to waste this much time with people that disobeyed him.

As Venus watched, The Boss motioned to an Assassin and whispered something to him. This was it. The order for her kill had been put out.

Venus took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The Assassin left the room and reappeared a few moments later. Rather than the tools of destruction that Venus had expected to see him return with, he had a glass of wine in his hand to replace the previous one which he handed to The Boss.

Venus had never felt so confused in her life as she watched The Boss take the glass and begin to sip on it.

"I have a proposal for you." The Boss said, leaning back slightly in his seat. There was a break that stretched out before he spoke again. "Kill that FBI Agent and you get to live. Fail to kill her, I would make sure to kill her myself. Not only that, it'd torture her severely and make you watch the whole thing. After which, I will kill you. Slowly and painfully."

Oil & Water (GirlXGirl) ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum